Chapter 4: Just Making Some Money

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Narrative Pov.

"Leftovers again...?" Duncan sighed while he sat at a table in the middle of the cafeteria, poking at his food with a fork as he had no one else to sit with. In truth, Y/N was the only friend Duncan had at the agency's school of excellence despite being the director, or as the other pupils like to call him, the principal. "Duncan cum-can!" A loud voice exclaimed as he heard a pair of footsteps approach him. Duncan didn't bother turning to the voice because he already knew who it was. "Hey! I'm talking to you shitbird!" A hand slapped the back of his head, making his body shift forward in his seat as he tried not to show that it hurt, even though it did. "Hey! He's talking to you, you fucking idiot!" And before he knew it, his whole face was smashed into his leftovers that were idly sitting on his tray, smearing onto his shirt and lap. He wiped it off but the bullies didn't stop there and continued to call him names while the other students secretly laughed at him while others felt sympathetic for him. The bullies just laughed and eventually walked away, with the last one elbowing the back of his head. "They've been doing this since I came here. Why me?" Duncan asked himself as he watched them walk off, but Duncan quickly thought that he might be let off the hook if he explains why he did what he's about to Y/N that he might be let off the hook. Enraged, Duncan grabbed his tray and ran to the group of bullies who turned around and failed to perceive the oncoming attack. In a matter of seconds, Duncan slapped the metallic tray against their noses, making them bleed. He ended his ambush by slamming the tray against their faces repeatedly, knocking them all out cold, all except for the leader who looked at Duncan furiously while holding his bleeding nose. "Fuck you." Duncan said, stepping his foot into his face, knocking him senseless. The other students just silently praised him while he was escorted out of the cafeteria by security.

Y/N's Pov.

I arrived at the bank where I had gotten the call that someone broke in, although at first glance there are no signs of anyone breaking in, there were no news vans parked outside and there were no cops around, so how is the bank getting robbed in any way? However, I quickly realized that they didn't call the 1273RCPD, they called us, which means that the perpetrator must be someone who's on our level. "Man, at this time of the day? it seems as though I can never catch a break from these people, let's just hope to god it's a normal kind of criminal." I said, taking my card and swiping it on the agency's key scanner next to the door and it clicked open. I push the door forward and walk inside, closing it.

At first, everything seemed alright, but as I came to the receptionist's desk, there was a body of a security guard lying there. "Crap. Better hope he's okay." I said, climbing over the desk and crouching down beside his body, placing my index and middle finger just under his jaw and beside his windpipe, nothing. I pressed the skin lightly and then finally a pulse arrived. A good thing on the burglar's side was that there still was a pulse, if he was dead then whoever they are gonna wind up on our watchlist for good.

"Let's just get this bastard, whoever they may be." I said, popping my knuckles as I advanced down to the safe underneath the bank. After I finally reached the vault, I saw that the vault's door was wide open, the blue light from inside illuminated a square-shaped cyan shadow on the wall across from the door. I sighed, hearing the loud fumbling coming from the vault which meant that the burglar was still inside. "Alright, let's get to this. Just take them down to the agency's jail cell and bring them to justice. No big deal." I mumbled to myself, prepping up whenever I was going to charge into the vault, but because I wanted to avoid letting them escape if they knew I was coming I stealthily entered the vault and aimed my gun around before I quickly retreated.

"What the hell?" I peeked out from the corner of the vault's door and saw the perpetrator inside was a new criminal I hadn't seen before. As I watched her from my hiding spot, She was holding an AK-9 and was bashing the heel of it into the glass containers containing numerous stacked bills and throwing them onto a duffel bag that was sitting on top of a cart in the center of the vault.

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