Chapter 10: Rivalry? Nonsense! We're All Friends Here!

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Shiro's Pov.

I was hopping from one building to another, and no, I wasn't stealing anything. "Maybe Y/N was right." I mumbled quietly, now accepting that perhaps I should drop the whole criminal life and move on with my life. There is no winning on this side. At some point, I'm going to get hunted down and get sent to prison.

Honestly, why did I even agree to this stupid fucking life? I could have devoted myself to getting a cure to fix myself, get back to my old life, graduate from Harvard, get a life...still have my parents by my side.

"All I wanted was to know how the power of a kitsune works." I said to myself, remembering the argument I had with my parents after I finally told them what I look like. My mom was scared, and my dad was too. They knew it was still me, but not the human me. My mom thought I was cursed, and she thought that if I stayed with them, they would be cursed too. I was kicked out of the house and well, at some point I ended up becoming a criminal, a supervillain. I hated them, but I knew that they were just scared, and I understand why, I mean, I was the one who was cursed, not them. But, I learned to live with it. Besides, there are the pros and cons to this curse, and they seem pretty handy, plus, I was such a fucking shorty before this curse.

I was like, 5'5, but now look at me! I'm like 6'3 and well, Y/N doesn't know it, but we went to high school together.

During 12th grade, I knew Y/N, he was an 11th grader but, I kinda had a crush on him at that time, I was kinda sad when I graduated before him, but I never thought the guy was gonna be the heir to Mr.Banker's position in the agency, good for him though. As for me? I was planning on going to Harvard but got stuck between trying to find out about the supernatural, and well, look where that got me. "Still, where did the times go?" I asked myself, remembering all of the fun my family and I had before my curse.

"But should I drop by and see how Y/N's doing? Would that even be a good idea? I don't think the agency would be so keen as to let me walk in easily, after all, I'm on the Most Wanted list, walking in there with a friendly smile and flowers would not be a good idea. "Then again, I can turn intangible and their sensors don't pick up anything that can't be seen so I'm fine, it'll be a hell of a long time before they can develop technology that senses supernatural oddities with invisibility cloaks." I said, activating my intangibility.

But I wonder. If it's possible at all, is there a chance I could probably work for the agency? I mean, I guess that all comes around to the pay. But, would they let me? A former supervillain? Guess I'll have to ask Y/N when I get there.


I arrived at the front gate, still wearing my intangibility cloak. "I see it's lunchtime for the munchkins." I marched through the iron gate and saw numerous students walking around the campus. "So, this place is like a uni for these guys? A university for trainees who want to work for the agency while also educating them on the fine arts of science, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, algebra, geometry, world history, U.S history, English, literature, and composition." I said as I walked down the stone trail leading to the main entrance.

I stopped when I noticed two boys sitting next to each other studying. "Henry, do you have the notes for our next class?" The blonde-haired boy asked the boy sitting next to him. "Of course Foster. Here you go." The boy replied, handing the other boy a notebook. I hid behind them and saw their next class was Social Studies. "Social studies, geography, and economics. Fantastic." I groaned as I continued to the main entrance, but I stopped when I noticed a girl was getting picked on by a group of students, no doubt they were bullies.

"Cut it out!" She cried out, but no one came to help her, they just stood and watched, guess they were intimidated by how tall this little sack of shit was. "Guess I got here at the right time. Don't worry sweetie, I'll deal with him." I said as I tied the bigger kid's shoelaces together and performed an atomic wedgie on him. "Mmmm!" He let out a muffled scream as everyone suddenly started laughing at him as he fell to the ground. "Huh? Did I a good deed for once?" I asked myself, reflecting on what motivated me to do good, even when I was a supervillain. Supervillains are not supposed to do good, but, am I a supervillain? Or am I a superhero? Honestly, I never really gave it thought. But what good would it do? I already made my career, no use going back now.

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