Chapter 6: Oh, Pretty Vixen~ (Lemon)

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Y/N Pov.

"Stop right there Declan!" I called out to the mime running down the metal bridge. He turned to me and wagged his finger with a smug grin as he continued running down the bridge until he made it to the other side. "Damn it Declan stop! I'm through chasing after you!" I yelled at him as I thought about pulling my gun out.

Eventually, we both ended up running through the stairs that lead to the rooftop. "Alright, Declan! End of the line! Drop the bag and raise your hands in the air!" I demanded, taking my Nighthawk Custom Agent2 Commander out from my holster and aiming it at him. "Hands in the air Declan! Drop the bag!" I yelled, demanding he'd drop the bag of diamonds he stole from the museum we were chasing each other through. I lowered my gun once he finally accepted my demands.

Declan dropped the bag but then, out of nowhere, he took out a red deflated balloon and inflated it, tying it into a knot and then taking a red string from his pocket and tied it around the knot and then tied the red string around his waist. I quickly raise my gun to him once again when he took out a knife and a pair of scissors from his other pocket. I was bewildered as to why Declan was doing this since usually every time we encounter each other he constantly tried to do some creative scheme to escape but this time something about him felt different.

 I was bewildered as to why Declan was doing this since usually every time we encounter each other he constantly tried to do some creative scheme to escape but this time something about him felt different

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"Declan?" I was concerned as to why he was acting like this. He smiled at me and despite holding a knife and scissors in his hands, he made a significant gesture. I guess he was living up to his persona as a mime so he was using sign language to communicate. I was trained to learn sign language for criminals who couldn't speak so I was able to translate what he said.

"11 days before hell comes upon you Y/N. I'll be waiting. And when it comes, I'll be watching."

And then, he popped the balloon and snapped the string. I was confused about what he meant by any of this before Declan dropped the scissors and started to rush at me, knife in hand. "Oh shit!" I evaded the oncoming swipe. Even with a knife, I knew I was capable of taking down Declan easily. The guy was roughly 5'9 and we brawled in the past, and his fighting skills were clearly sloppy, but even then, he made up for it by being tactical and clever when it came to organizing larcenies and holding people up for ransom, particularly celebrities and rich people.

I grabbed his wrist and punched the knife out of his hand, disarming him completely, I then return the same momentum to his cheek. I ducked his oncoming punch and return with a clean right uppercut to his jaw, spraying blood out of his mouth. I then come back with a left jab to his stomach. He tried to elbow my head but I moved back and heel kick him in his chest. He got up from the floor and punched me across my face, but surprisingly his strength was so low that the punch hardly even hurt. I grabbed his next punch and punch a left hook into his stomach and then pull his arm forward and deliver a headbutt into his nose, and thus Declan fell on his back unconscious.

"Had enough Declan?" I asked him unconscious body, his fingers twitching slightly as his nostrils oozed a river of blood. I sighed and went and picked up the bag of diamonds he dropped. A few seconds later, I heard padding behind me and I saw Declan running to the edge. He climbed onto the small stump surrounding the edges of the roof and I knew what he was about to do. "You'll miss me when I'm gone." He wrote in his sign language while holding his signature grin. "Please. I've got bigger fish to hook in. I'm just throwing you back into the river."

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