Chapter 13: Ending The Sins Of The City

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Narrative Pov.

As the whole day comes to an end with fire, bullets, and death, Y/N and Milton Slasher were having it out in his office as Milton tried to slash at Y/N's throat but Y/N took Declan's advice and used Milton's brutish behavior as an advantage.

Y/N's Pov.

"You ready tough guy?" Milton asked as he tried to punch me but I blocked his fist with the shaft of the gun cane and knee'd him in his gut and performed an elbow jab across his mouth, spilling a slob of blood out of his mouth. I grabbed him by his collar and turn my head down and headbutt him, sending him to fall against the desk, adding more damage as the back of his head was rammed against the desk.

"Who would have thought huh? Never before did I ever think this is how we'd go down." I said as I put on a fighting stance and Milton did too, blood studding down from one side of his maw. "Yeah, then again, with you out of the way, the agency falls apart, guess Banker had a secret weapon after all didn't he?" Milton said and I quickly became confused, "The hell are you talking about?" I asked him. "Oh? Didn't they ever tell you how he died? Well, sure, the guy was probably 50 or something but he didn't die from a heart attack, that's for sure. Long story short, the guy tried to expose me and my crime empire, but, I couldn't let that happen, so I threw the book at him, well, it was more of a bullet than a book but you catch my drift. Why do you think I'm still out here and not rotting in some prison cell? Because Banker got the wrong thing he was trying to earn--" WHACK!

"Aaargh!!" Milton growled as he held his bloody nose. " that's how it is huh? And I thought Banker taught you everything he knew--" WHACK!

Third Pov.

Milton looked up and all he saw was an apathetic Y/N standing before him. Milton smiled, but it was to hide his trepidation. Y/N wasn't even speaking, he wasn't even smiling, but the glare on his face showed impotent rage. As Milton tried to fight back, Y/N's reflexes became horrifyingly fast as he dodged each hit and kick, practically returning with heavy blows that carried enough strength to give off the message that he wasn't holding back anymore.

Blood was splattering all over his office, and it was not from Y/N, it was from Milton whose face starting to look more disfigured from all of the heavy punches Y/N was throwing at it. Y/N blocked Milton's fist and grabbed his whole arm and knee'd him in his stomach before grabbing him by his arm and throwing him over the desk. Milton grabbed a chair and swung it at Y/N but he simply evaded the chair and grabbed it and returned the same momentum to Milton, sending the chair flying back at him, hitting him in the face. Y/N jumped on the table and performed a clean circle kick across Milton's maw, spitting blood out of his maw and nostrils as he compacted the wall, face-first.

Milton stealthily grabbed a sword that was placed on the wall, "Come on you little son of a bitch! Come on!" Milton threatened Y/N who didn't even seem disturbed by Milton's pathetic display. "Shut up you pathetic fucking waste of space." Y/N said as he approached Milton menacingly, and Milton fearfully tried to swipe at him but he slapped the blade away with his cane and began to mercilessly beat Milton across his face with the handle of the cane.

"I'm gonna enjoy throwing your ass out of this fucking window." Y/N threatened Milton as he grabbed him by his shirt collar and began to drag him to the broken window behind his desk and held him out of it. "Really? So this is how it ends huh? What? You ain't gonna let your moral standards stop you?" Milton asked, not putting up a fight as he waited for Y/N's response.

"No." Y/N answered coldly as he was about to hurl Milton out of the window but a voice behind him stopped him from what he was about to do. "Y/N! Stop!" Declan busted through the door. "Y/N, it doesn't have to be this way, we can lock him up! You can't just let him ruin your moral values--" "Let him? This son of a bitch took the only family that I knew away from me! What makes you think I should let him go like he didn't just do the most painful thing to me? I've been trying to understand who or what killed Mr.Banker, and you sure as shit are wrong if you think I'm gonna let him go without watching his ass fall from this fucking window." Y/N responded but Declan placed a hand on his shoulder. "Y/N, trust me, you're better than him, sure, you might not be physically, but mentally? This asshole has been nothing but a fucking hindrance in this city, but that doesn't mean you should become one yourself. Besides, this wouldn't look good with you and those government people." Declan said and his words made Y/N realize that he was right. You shouldn't kill regardless, only when you have to, and he learned that from Mr.Banker a long time ago...

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