DITHW~Chapter Eleven

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Everyone returned to school after their winter break in a happy mood. Decorations from the dance were left hanging there to remind students of a historic date in Yosemite High history. The school newspaper articles covered the new and improved Yosemite High social life.

There was a party in 3rd period English. Everyone talked to everyone without begin stopped.

Suddenly, Kendra and a few girls wearing sunglasses barged in. Everyone turned around in confused shock.

“Kendra cannot be the new Tiffany!" Diana said.

"Is Myra here?"

"Yea?" Myra walked to her.

"On behalf of the former popular crowd, I apologize for not giving you a proper place in the school. I just want to welcome you to Yosemite the right way. Here," Kendra handed her a brand new Gucci sunglasses.

Myra took it happily and they both hugged.

"Don't worry. You are not the only one. In fact, no one is!" Jorge said.

By that said, everyone took out their branded shades and wore them on, showing their school pride and society. Diana’s Hacker’s way not only saved her friendship with her new best friend, but saved the school’s reputation too.


Thanks for reading! This was the second story that I've typed but it is my first "short story", according to Inkpop...you guys might be wondering, where is my first story? Well if you did ask, it is still being typed. When I'm done I will definitely post it here AND Inkpop (I actually like it here better). 

I'm working on that piece of work called Second Life (yes it involves reincarnation <ohhhhh spooky>) and I'm also working on another piece of work that I hope will be the best one I've ever done. I did say I created the title but now I'm not sure again.

If you guys want to help me choose.... ok then! It's between

My Memorable Summer And Beyond

Moral Responsibility

if you guys want to know what the book is about, well I'm not gonna tell you! Haha, well the reason is I might give away too much and no one wants to ruin a surprise. Well, think about it this way. If you were at Barnes & Noble or a public library or some other place with alot of books, and you were about to check out a book to read, which title would attract you more? Which title makes you want the read the content inside? That makes you go "Hm, interesting."

Anyway, thanks alot peeps! XOXO

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