Conanaka Shinichi was in class learning the same material he did 10 yearsago. Bored he looked at his little group of friends. Genta waslooking at his lunchbox no dought hungry like he usually was.Mitsuhiko was writing everything the teacher said down as if thiswere actually important. Then he looked at Ayumi who seemed lost inthought. After a moment she raised her hand.
"Yes.Miss Yoshida." The teacher asked.
"MayI use the restroom, Ma'am?" Ayumi asked.
"Yesyou may." Aymu did a shout bow before moving but the teacher saidsomething quietly to her first though Shinichi could still hear it.
"Doyou have your special pass, Ayumi?" Ayumi nodded. "Okay. I askedjust in case someone tried to stop you." The teacher whispered.Ayumi bowed again and left leaving Shinichi confused.
Laterin class after she returned all the kids were talking about what theywanted to be when they grew up.
"Iwant to be a superhero." Genta said.
"Iwant to work at NASA." Mitsuhiko told everyone.
"Ithink i'll beeee... an investment banker." Conan lied. He couldn'tlet anyone know he wanted to be a detective.
"Investmentbanker?" Mitsuhiko questioned.
"Thatsounds boring." Genta looked unimpressed.
"Atleast mine is realistic. Superhero.Shinichi thought and rolled his eyes.
Whatabout you Ayumi." The teacher asked. Ayumi was quiet a momentbefore speaking.
"Ithink.... I wanna be a mommy."
"Amommy? What kind of job is that. You don't get paid for that."Genta chuckled.
"Neitherdo many superheroes." Shinichi thought again.
"QuietGenta." The teacher said. She smiled at Ayumi. "I think that's awonderful job. You would make a great mommy."
."Thankyou. It's just.... I can't be a real mommy." Ayumi looked down andcried a little. The kids looked confused.
"Now,Ayumi. Just because you're a little different doesn't make you anyless a girl than me, the other girls in class, or your own mom. Iknow woman who were born right and still couldn't have babies oftheir own. But they became mommies anyway though other means. You'rea wonderful little girl. One day you can do the same as those othermoms; and maybe just maybe you can have children of your own if thedoctors can help. Do you understand?" Ayumi nodded but was quiet."I know it can be though at times but just believing in yourself."Everyone looked at them before the teacher spoke again. "All rightnow where were we? Mika what do you want to be?" The class resumedto the grown up discussion. All except Shinichi who was looking atAyumi.
Whenclass was out the group were outside playing. They were passing aball bath and forth to each other.
"Youknow you can't be a superhero, Gento." Mitsuhiko said. "Superheroeseither have powers or are rich and buy cool stuff and you areneither."
"Oneday I'm going to be a trillionaire and I'll scientist give me powersso HA." Genta pouted. "Besides, You can't work at NASA becauseyou're scared if aliens."
"I'mnot scared of them anymore!" Mitsuhiko defended himself. "Conan!Which is more likely him being a superhero or me being in NASA!"Conan sweatdropped at this.
"Uh,well if you ask me neither. Genta can't be a superhero his momwouldn't allow it and Mitsuhiko couldn't work at NASA because thatwould mean moving to America." Both the boys looked down at that.It was true.