Trans Hiro (Big Hero 6)

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"Hey,Baxmax." Can you hand me my hoodie."

"Certainly,Hiro." He gave him his hoodie which he put on.

Hirowas a teen boy living in San Frantokyo. He lived with his Aunt Casswho owned a little shop. Hiro was also a hero. He was part of a teamcalled Big Hero 6. There was him, Fred, Go Go, Wasbi, and HoneyLemon. They saved the world from all sorts of bad guys all whiledoing their homework. He still missed Tadashi though. He knew Tadashiwas looking down at them proud. As he was remembering Baxmax waslooking at a photo. He was examining it looking at it's details. Hethan walked up to Hiro and held it to him.

"Thisis an interesting photo." Baxmax said. Hiro looked it it. It was aphoto of him, Takashi, and Aunt Cass. It was from a few years ago.Before he became Hiro.

"Yep.That was when Tadashi, Aunt Cass, and Me went to New York. It was alot of fun. Though there was one part where I threw up because wewere on a big skyscraper. That was embarrassing. Still, it was a goodvacation.

"Youlook different here."

"Thatwas before I became myself." Hiro said. "When I was still agirl."'

"Yes."Baymax replied. "Takashi programmed me to know of your transition."

"Thatwas good of him. Always thinking ahead." He looked at more of thephotos. "Here's another one at a birthday party a little but beforeI transitioned. It was a lot of fun... Until I ate too much candy andthrew up. Here's a photo on a Christmas a few years ago. That was agreat Christmas. I got a kit where you can make your own robot. It'swhat got me into robots in the first place. Here's me and Takashiwith our parents. It was the last photo we took with them before theydied. Now Takashi is with them." Hiro looked a little sad now.

"WhileI already know the story of how you came out to Takashi maybe if youtold me personally it would make you feel better." Hiro looked atBaymax. He supposed it wouldn't hurt to so that.

"Alright.I was 10 years old when I told him. I was depressed about the way Ilooked and he did seem to notice. We were always close so I knew Iwould tell him first. Hiro closed his eyes to remember it all.

Hirowas in his room playing video games when Takashi came in.

"Hey,sis." He said. What are you going?" Hiro cringed at the sis abit.

"Justplaying some games."

"That'sneat. What are you planning on going later?"

"Probablythis." Hiro shrugged.

"Notanything else?" He smiled.

"Iwasn't planning to." Hiro said knowing Takashi was planingsomething. But what?

"Wellthat sounds great. Though I know something better."




"Amillion times better."
"Takashi what is it?" He took out topieces of paper and showed them to Hiro.

"Noway." Hiro was astonished.

"Yep.Robo-Cage Battle. Front seats. With the best players in townplaying."

"How'dyou get these?"

"Ihad a little money left from my last project." He crossed his arms.

"Andfront seats too."

"Yep.If we're lucky some of the robo parts will land near us. A littlesomething to take home. So what do you say?"

Heroegot up from his seat and smiled. He stuck out his arm and the two didtheir little knuckle touch. Later on they want to the place it wasat.

"Soyou got any bets?" Takashi asked Hiro.

"I'llbet you the last piece of Aunt Cass's chocolate pie that the StinginGrasshopper will win.

"Ithink it will be the Omega Boxer."

"You'llon!" Hiro said.

TheOmega Boxer sprung forward and quickly threw it's arm forward. Butthe Stringin Grasshopper jumped up high and laded on the other sideof the ring. The Boxer then went backward and did another throw onlyto miss again. The Omega went went up fast and threw it's arm againhitting the grasshopper.

"Yeah.I won!" Takashi cheered.

"Notso fast." Hiro said.

Whilethe crowed cheered the Grashopper brought out a stringer and went itthough the Boxer ending it. The grasshopper won.

"Youknew that would happen, didn't you?"

"Imight have gotten some pointers."

Asthey left Takashi got them two hotdogs to eat.

"Eatingthat pie always gets met to add a couple pounds anyway."

"I'llspilt it with you. Hiro said." They ate their hotdogs.

"Takashi.Can I tell you something."


"Wouldyou like me as your brother?"

"Yeah,I won't see why not. In a way you kind of are."

"I-I wish I was."

"Whatdo you mean?"

"I'ma boy." Hiro said quietly. "I've known for a while but I've beento nervous to tell anyone. I want to be more like you. You're my heroand I can't see being inspired by anyone else. I want to be yourbrother for now on." Hiro finished. It was silent a moment.

"Iwas wondering when you were going to tell me."

"Huh?You knew" Takashi nodded.

"Ofcourse. I'm your brother after all. I can tell something wasbothering you for a while. It took me a while to fond out but when Idid I knew it was true."

"Whydidn't you say anything?"

"Iwanted you to. So you can show how strong you've become. And youhave. In a way you're my hero."


"Doyou have name yet? How about Hiro? My brother Hiro."

"Yeah.I like that."


Backin the present Hiro finished his story.

"Andjust like that you were a boy?" Baymax asked.

"Wellit took some time. We had to tell Aunt Cass and change a lot ofthings and have doctor visits. But yes I became a boy. I told theguys overtime. Of course they knew too as Takashi once told them."

"I'mglad they were fond of you."

"Yeah.They're great. Aunt Cass too.



"Howabout a game of Robo- Cage battle?"

"Yeah.Let's go." 

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