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You stood in front of the members of Big Deal, next to Jerry who had been given the task to introduce you.

You had to admit, you were feeling nervous, wondering if you would be accepted by the others since you weren't strong like them.

Everyone's eyes were on the second strongest member as he cleared his throat and focused on them, his expression not holding any emotion as usual.

"This is [F/N]. She is joining Big Deal starting from today."

Your arms were straight and by your side as you mustered enough confidence to speak up.

"I'm [F/N], nice to meet you all!" You bowed in a perfect nintey degree angle, closing your eyes as you prepared for their response.

Your heart rate increased as the silence that came after your introduction was dragged on long enough to making you feel even more nervous but the suspense soon came to an end as someone finally spoke up.

"Oh, welcome to Big Deal!"

"If you ever need anything, just ask."

"You must be a good person if you were personally picked by Jake to join!"

You straightened up to look at the crew in front of you with surprise and slowly, your lips broke into a large smile, the happiness you felt as you were accepted making your heart leap with joy.

"Let's get along!" You cheered, raising your arms up.

Jake watched in amusement as you ran towards his members and started giving a hi-five to each one with enthusiasm.

You were an odd girl, he had to admit and despite holding no fear, it wasn't the only thing that convinced him to let you join. There was a glint of desperation and loneliness that reflected in your eyes the first time you met and a part of him couldn't get himself to push you away.

You felt your phone buzz and you paused in your hi-fiving spree to check what text you had received.

Jake observed your expression and for a second, he saw the smile on your face falter before it was back up again. You put your phone back in your pocket and headed towards Jake who gave you his attention.

"I need to head home, sir. I'm sorry-" This was your first day at Big Deal and you know it was something very important to you but you had no choice, having to leave.

"It's fine. Go ahead." He excused you and you thanked him with a bow before you walked through the street that Big Deal owned, not looking back once.

Halfway through your journey home, you stopped by an alley and put your bag down, removing your precious coat which made you a member of Big Deal and folded it up. You put it inside your bag and took out your school blazer, putting it on and closing the buttons.

You checked the time on your phone and determined you could get home on time.

After school activities had come to an end meaning you needed to head home before your parents found out where you truly were.

You adjusted your bag and walked out of the ally, focusing ahead as you thought over the schedule you had planned to prevent your parents from finding out your secret.

Wake up, get ready for school, attend school and participate in a two hour after school class but that was when you were really spending time with Big Deal.

An alarm would then go off on your phone to inform you that ten minutes remained until after school classes finished so you could quickly return home in time before your parents become suspicious.

Why did you have to set up such a bizarre schedule?

"Welcome home, Miss [F/N]."

The doors to the mansion opened and you walked inside as you were greeted by the maids and butlers, a practiced smile painting your lips.

"I'm back."

You saw your parents standing by the extravagant staircase that split into two as you go to the second floor.

"Hello Father, Mother." You placed your hands in front of you and greeted them with respect but your parents only gazed down at you coldly.

"Your monthly school report."

You already had it in your hands and gave it to your father whose eyes skimmed the paper before it was scrunched up and thrown to the ground.

"I told you not to be in second place."

You tipped your head down as you were scolded, biting your lower lip and trying to hold back the tears.

This happened every time you would return home with your report.

Your parents wanted you to be on top but it was impossible when the number one student in your school wouldn't get a single answer wrong on any of their tests.

"I'm trying-"

You were slapped across the face by your mother and she screamed in your face, calling you useless.

"You will never be able to get to SNU (Seoul National University) with your results! You are such a disappointment."

Your father dismissed you and you gripped onto the straps of your bag as you walked past them, moving up the stairs to go to your bedroom.

You closed the door behind you as you entered before you sunk to the floor. Your bag was next to you and you opened it, pulling out your black coat before holding it close to your chest.

"You're the only way I can feel freedom."

The tears in your eyes finally escaped, each drop landing on the coat and you silently cried, wanting to let out your emotions before you had to keep them in check for when you leave your bedroom.

In front of your parents you had to put on a mask to act as the daughter they wanted you to be.

A mask of perfection.

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