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It had been two years since you had joined Big Deal and despite being the last rank in the crew, you were still determined to show your boss that you were willing to fight for him.

"Jake Kim isn't even that strong. I've faced him before."

You were on your way to meeting up with Jake and the rest of the crew with school finishing and you happen to overhear the conversation the group of boys were having.

Hearing him insult Jake had your eyebrows knitting together with annoyance and your course of direction changed as you instead decided to face the group despite being on your own.


Your call had them turning to you but their eyes widened as they recognised the coat you were wearing.

"Who the hell are you to insult my boss?" You stuffed your hands in your pockets and gave them a glare.

"Fuck, it's Big Deal." One of the boys said but the other scoffed, approaching you with confidence.

He was taller than you so he used his height to try and intimidate you but you tilted your head back, your eyes holding a fire that had his glare falter for a second.

"I bet you can't even fight, shrimp."

He was proven wrong when he earned himself a punch in the face causing him to stumble back.

He touched his sore cheek before turning to you, his expression changing to show he was pissed off.

"You bitch!"

Jerry had been given the task to get Jake's favourite snack from the convenience store since they had finished but the path he took was the same you were taking earlier. He stumbled across you fighting three other boys who were incredibly weak since you were on the winning side.


You were standing above the three boys who were knocked out but froze as you recognised Jerry's voice, turning to him and realising from his face that he wasn't happy with what you had done.

"Hi Jerry."

You grinned, hoping he wasn't going to tell Jake what you had done, knowing your boss wasn't going to be happy.

"I found her fighting a group of boys."

Jerry held you up by the back of your coat, your body dangling in the air while you crossed your arms, not fazed by the way you were being held.

You had a small cut on your cheek from the fight so you hadn't taken too much damage but Jake let out a sigh, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Why were you fighting, [F/N]?" He asked and you frowned as you remembered what the crew had been saying about your boss.

"They were insulting you, sir. So I showed them who Big Deal were." You reasoned with him but he didn't agree with what you had done.

"People talk down on us all the time but that doesn't mean we have to start a fight with them. We just have to prove to them who Big Deal are when the time comes." He said and you stared at him with awe before you nodded.

"I'm sorry, sir!" You tipped your head forward as a way of bowing since Jerry was still holding you and Jake chuckled.

"Jerry, get the first aid kit. [F/N], sit here." He ordered you both and your feet were placed onto the ground as Jerry put you down, moving to the cabinet to grab the green box.

"I-I'm fine, sir. I can treat myself."

You were flustered by his kindness and took a step back but Jake's arm was long enough to reach you, his hand circling around your wrist and gently tugging you towards him. You sat down next to him, your face becoming stiff which amused him greatly.

"You need to relax."

He opened the box and faced you once again, placing some of the ointment on a cotton swab before lightly dabbing it against your cut. You winced, moving back slightly but Jake put his hand on your arm and prevented you from moving.

Your eyes couldn't help but admire his features while he was concentrating, the distance between your face and his being short enough to have you catching your breath.


You snapped yourself out of your daze and lowered your eyes as you felt a blush paint your cheeks. You quickly stood up and bowed with respect.

"Thank you, sir!"

Your phone buzzed indicating it was time to head home and Jake noticed it too, a smile painting his lips.

"See you tomorrow, [F/N]."

It had been two years but you still hadn't told Jake nor the rest of Big Deal as to why you had to always leave at a specific time.

Jake was curious but it wasn't his place to pry so he respected your space, wanting you to be the one to tell him when you felt comfortable.

You walked out of the trailer and back to your home, pulling off the routine of changing your clothes in the ally without getting caught as usual.

Luckily your parents weren't at home for the week so it was enough time for your cut to heal.

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