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"Any news on her?"

Jerry sat inside one of the visitor rooms in the juvenile prison and faced his boss, a glass window dividing the two.

"She's getting engaged next month to the son of another CEO."

He dropped the news onto his boss without holding back and Jake closed his eyes while releasing a sigh.

"That asshole wants to tie down his daughter by getting her engaged." It was more of a statement than a question.

"So she can't get involved with us again." Jerry confirmed and Jake knew he couldn't do anything while he was stuck here.

"When is the wedding?"

"Next year, on the day you're released from prison. You even received an invitation to attend, sir."

Jake felt his anger rise.

Your father was doing this on purpose, inviting him to the wedding to witness your freedom being taken away from you.

That wasn't going to happen.

"Contact Number Five."

Number Five of Big Deal was someone who shouldn't be messed with.

Jerry's eyes widened and he stared at his boss as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Tell her to find all information on [F/N]'s father."

Jerry bowed his head as he obliged to his leader's order and with that, he was dismissed.

Jerry stepped out of the juvenile prison and pulled out his phone, sending Number Five a text of Jake's request.

In all the time he had spent with Jake, this was the first time he had seen such anger on his leader's face.

Your father had messed with the wrong person.


You sat in your room, staring blankly at the mirror as your mother placed a necklace around your neck, a smile painting her lips.

"Isn't Sanghyuk so sweet? He brought you such an expensive necklace." She cooed while you remained silent, your face void of emotions.


You made eye contact with your mother through the mirror and saw the warning she was giving you but you remained unfazed causing her to act out of anger.

She grabbed a fistful of your hair, wanting you to feel pain as she tugged harshly.

"You were pathetic enough to get only second place in school. Don't ruin your only chance at being worth something and that's being Sanghyuk's future wife."

She let go of your hair and scoffed over your lack of reaction before stomping out of the room, sick of being in your presence.

You continued to stare at your reflection, the urge to cry leaving you completely as you had run out of tears, letting them out the first week you had been prisoned in your own home.

It's been a month since you last saw Jake or any of Big Deal, your parents keeping you inside your home so they could force you into an engagement with Sanghyuk.

The guy was a weasel, staring at your body as if you were a piece of meat he wanted to devour.

Your phone received a text and you looked down to see it was from an unknown number.

You looked at the open door of your bedroom and walked over to close it gently before you returned to your phone, taking a seat on your bed to read the text.

'Is this [F/N]?'

You replied back by asking who they were and waited for a response but your phone began to ring, startling you.

You accepted the call, your eyes trained on your door to keep an eye on whoever would walk in, not wanting to get caught talking over the phone.



Your mind clicked, allowing you to recognise the voice immediately and your eyes grew wide.

"J-Jake?" You whispered back in shock.

That was the first time you had called him by his name and a smile painted his lips.

"You weren't visiting me in prison so I thought I should phone and ask how are you." You didn't know how he managed to get a phone in prison but that didn't matter right now.

You had lied to yourself.

You still had tears left in you.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's all my fault that you're in prison." You sobbed as you tried speaking with him and you could hear him sigh before he spoke up.

"Don't cry, [F/N]. You know this was your father who was responsible for this." He tried to assure you but you wouldn't listen.

"B-But this wouldn't have happened if I didn't-"

"Didn't what? Join Big Deal?" He snapped and you went quiet, sniffing as you wiped your eyes with your sleeve.

"I will never regret making you a member of Big Deal."

His words hit you hard and you were stunned, unable to respond to his words.

"Once I'm out, I'll give you back your freedom."

You tried to speak up but you couldn't utter a single word, too speechless to do so.

"I promised."

You burst into tears again and Jake couldn't help but chuckle over what you told him next.

"I-I'll wait for you, even if it's hundreds of years, sir!"

"I'm only in for one year."


The conversation became light and the two of you spoke until you began to feel tired.

"I'll phone you again tomorrow and remember to delete the call history." He reminded you as you told him earlier that your parents were checking your phone everyday.

"I will, sir."

The call ended and you hugged your phone to your chest, a smile adorning your features after a long time.

You made sure to delete the call history before you put your phone on the small drawer besides your bed, laying down on your bed with a flurry of emotions gleaming in your eyes.

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