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You knew something was strange as soon as your parents had bought your lame excuse as to why you were late.

You were allowed to go to your room after you handed in your report, the feeling in your chest becoming tight as you gained a bad feeling.

"Are you okay, [F/N]?"

It had been a few days since the odd moment between you and your parents and you were with Jake, leaving from his business to head back to Big Deal's area. You held an umbrella over your head like Jake as the two of you walked ahead and he could tell from your silence that you were troubled over something.

"I'm fine, sir." You looked up at him and forced a smile to paint your lips.

He could tell you were faking it to make him drop the subject but his focus moved elsewhere as two boys approached the two of you.

"Jake Kim. No...your a second year so I should refer you as 'hyung'. I didn't recognise you back then. King of illegal betting and the youngest leader of Big Deal." The boy with big ears known as Jace said as his gaze changed to a glare.

The taller boy called Vasco who was next to him seemed to have had enough and stepped in front of Jace as he spoke up.

"Give Jiho his money back, you bastard."

You felt annoyed as Vasco insulted your boss and you glared at him, ready to fight until Jake stuck his arm out, preventing you from moving.

"Don't, [F/N]."

His order made you huff but you nodded and remained in your spot, wanting to stay on Jake's good side.

"So, why are you after me for his money? He is the one who gambled and the one who has his money is the boss." Jake told the two as he gazed at them with a smirk.

"Then, tell us where he is." Vasco demanded and you could tell Jake was becoming irritated as he refused, the smile on his face being fake.

"You are all alike. If you don't tell me...its your funeral." Vasco changed his stance which you recognised to be muay thai.

"Wait, Vasco. This is his den!" Jace warned his friend.

"What? You think I'll call the others?" Jake scoffed and you were startled when he threw his umbrella to the ground as he finally showed his anger.

"Because of you little kids? Huh? I don't think Jiho is in your club and your using this problem as an excuse to influence your club. Bring it, you children."

Jake handed you his coat and you held it close to you, watching as the older boy moved to fight against Vasco. You were in awe as Jake defended himself against Vasco's moves with ease before he used his own techniques to take him down.

However, in the midst of the brawl, a new figure approached you four with a  air of confidence around him.

"It's been a long time. How are you?" He asked Jake who stared at him with a sense of confusion.

"Gun...It's been a while. Have you come to see me, sir?"

The bad feeling in your chest seemed to have worsened as you gazed at Gun.

"I had my eye on him. He was my top candidate."

"I was? Why are you using past tense?"

"Private betting operation."

Your eyes widened and you turned to Jake as he mirrored your expression, the two of you realising you had gotten caught.

"How did I find out? I've been following a certain princess but also...her." Gun pointed towards you and Jake turned your way, a flurry of emotions in his eyes.

The one emotion you could decipher was betrayal.

"I-I never told him, sir! You have to believe me!"

Gun chuckled, finding the situation to be humerous and he spoke up.

"She never told me. It was her father."

You felt as if the air had been knocked out of you and the bad feeling in your chest had finally been lifted.

It all made sense now.

"Do you even know who she is?" Gun asked as he approached you with a smirk.

You stepped back but he reached for your arm and pulled you towards him, keeping you away from Jake.

"She's the daughter of a very famous CEO. Imagine the shock when he found out his daughter was spending time with Big Deal instead of attending her after school class."

Jake gazed at you with shock while you stared back with teary eyes.

"So, to make sure she never does this again, he gathered evidence in the past few days about you, Jake and handed it over to me." Gun revealed.

"The police should be coming soon so I need to leave with her before she gets caught up in this mess. Your father wouldn't want that, now would he?" The question was directed towards you and you lowered your head as your hand clenched up into a fist.

"Is this why you always left after two hours?" Jake asked and you nodded, the tears you were holding back, spilling out.

"I-I didn't want this to happen. I wanted to keep spending time with you all because it was the best moments I ever had in my life." You told him genuinely.

The two of you gazed at one another and Jake saw the pain in your eyes.

"You gave me freedom."

His breath hitched as you uttered the words you've been holding close all this time.

Jake felt a spark of fire light up within him and he changed his stance, preparing himself to fight Gun.

"I'll give you that freedom again."

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