Meet and Greet

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I wake up the next morning surprisingly refreshed I'm really starting to like it here in Manchester. The sun isn't exactly shining but the weather seems to be OK a little overcast but I like it. Since we have the meet and greet before the concert this evening we just go into London for a short time. We are almost 2 1/2 hours away via train so we decide today we'll just do Piccadilly circus and Trafalgar Square that way we can do a little shopping and enjoy some scenery. After heading out around 8 am we arrive at the Square just in time for lunch. Mom is excited to try a little cafe she heard of so we grab a table outside and order. The food is amazing and the scenery is lovely. After lunch Tim, Melz and Kate head off to do some shopping while mom, Brad and I walk to the fountain. Mom comments that I look better than I did at Christmas and Brad says that it's likely because I feel a bit safer now. In an odd way it's true though he doesn't truly know the full extent of it.

After some time has passed we meet up with my siblings and go back on the train to the hotel. With our excursion we cut it a little close so there's not much time to get ready for the concert. This frustrates my sisters but for me it's no big deal I'm not trying to impress anyone. If anything I want to hide myself away I've learned my lesson on trying to get peoples attention. We meet in the hotel lobby and take the town cars over to the venue. Brad gets our meet and greet passes then has us escorted to where we are going to meet the guys. My sisters can't stop talking about it; Tim on the other hand is like me he's just along for the ride. My mom takes what I feel like is a million pictures so that she can have proof when she talks about the time she met celebrities. I watch each of my siblings, Brad and my mom go up to talk to each of the guys while I hang back.

They're really a lively group very funny;they make everyone feel at ease if you let them. They don't take themselves too seriously which is unlike what you expect from your normal celebrity. At some point Brad realizes that I'm hanging back so he comes over and takes my hand to lead me over to meet everyone. The first person to notice me is Niall he has a huge smile on his face and offers me a hug. I don't know what to do. So I simply shake his hand however even that makes me a bit uneasy.

"Oi Niall did you not properly shower the lady doesn't want a hug" Liam laughs and the others join in.

"Hey I washed all the important parts!"  He says in defense which has everyone laughing but me.

"Sorry" is all I can manage to say.  I turn on my heels and walk out of the room.

I walk down the hallway a bit not sure where I'm going and finally I just sit on a folding chair that is against the wall.  I'm not sure if it's seconds or minutes before I hear footsteps approaching.  I look up to see Louis standing there; he has a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey there!" He says cheerfully but the words make me flinch.  "Whoa sorry if we upset you.  I mean...are you ok?"  He asks me as he crouches down to be face level with me.

"I'm sorry". I say again and this time tears start to sting at my eyes.  I don't know what's going on.  I've been fine for awhile now.  Not back to normal but fine.  I'm not sure if it was the closed in space, the fact that a stranger tried to hug me or that the guys laughed but I'm feeling very vulnerable.

"Oh hey no I'm sorry.  I'm certain no one was trying to upset you by having a go at Niall.  I mean I guess you all have your favorites so again sorry we were getting after him."  He says kind of rushed and fumbling over his words.  I stare at him a moment really confused until I figure out he thinks I'm upset because they made fun of Niall.  As if I'm a groupie who's favorite fantasy guy was picked on. At that silly idea I couldn't help but smile.

"Well look at that she smiles."

"I'm wait don't say anything."  I say holding up a hand as he starts to interrupt me. "I didn't mean to make a scene but I also wasn't upset about Niall. Though he smelled like he's had a proper shower. I'm was something else."

"Well I'm just happy to see you smile again."

"Again?" I ask confused

"Yes again. You were smiling and laughing at dinner."

He'd been looking at me at dinner? That's interesting... no no it's not interesting. Don't do it again. He seems like a nice guy but you have thought that before. Don't get fooled again!  You can't trust him it's not a good idea.  I must be making a face or he can tell I'm tensing up because he stands up and steps back.

"I'm sorry I'm not trying to upset you.  I wasn't trying to be a stalker."  He laughs and I give him a weird look.  "Sorry the idea of me being someone's stalker is a little funny isn't it?"

It would seem arrogant coming from someone else but I've seen the news here and back home.  His group is really gaining a lot of popularity.  I even saw it first hand at Starbucks the two carefree guys couldn't even get coffee without being overrun with a crowd.  So he is right that it would be funny to think of him stalking someone.  So of course the idea does make me smile again. 

"You have a nice smile.  I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Thanks; it's Haley"  He is being so nice but that's what guys do right be nice so they can hurt you.  "I don't want to keep you from the rest of your fans though so...". I don't sound harsh but it definitely comes out way more rude than I want so I follow up with. "Thanks for checking on me."

"Yea I'll leave you alone then.  I hope you enjoy the concert."  With that he turns around to head back towards the stage.  He looked hurt which hurts me a bit.

"Hales!"  I hear Melanie yell.  My sisters come out of the room and walk past Louis as they make there way to me. 

"Hey are you ok?  We were going to come after you but Louis said he would.  Did you somehow know a pop star and not tell us?" Kate ask with a genuine look of jealousy on her face.

"No I guess he's just a nice guy who wanted to make sure I was ok". When I say it I actually believe it. That makes me feel worse. I'm not sure I'll ever get passed what Ryan did and that brings on a new wave of guilt and sadness.

"Well I'm jealous" Kate says honestly but she puts her arm around my shoulder to show support.

"I'm not because if you get Louis I can have Harry" Melanie says and they both laugh.  I just shake my head.  We hear Tim and Mom call us so we go over to walk to our seats with them. I don't know why but I'm now more intrigued about the concert.

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