A Fencing Subject

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The morning a few days after Nate had his conversation about fencing classes with his dad, Nate finds himself woken up by Jean-Yves holding a breakfast tray.

"What?" Nate groans.

"It is time to get up, Nathanial. You are going to be late for your classes." Jean-Yves tells him.

Nate reaches over to the bedside table where his phone is charging and glasses rest. He puts on his glasses and looks at the time on his phone.

"It's barely five o'clock," Nate mutters at Jean-Yves.

"Your teacher's class has irregular hours. It would seem." Jean-Yves tells him.

Nate groans into his pillow, already wishing he never agreed to this. After he does this, he drags himself out of bed. Jean-Yves sets the tray down on the bedside table.

"I'll be waiting down in the lobby for you. Your father wants me to take you to school since it's so early." Jean-Yves tells him.

"*Yawn* Sure, yeah, see you then." Nate tiredly says.

Jean-Yves leaves, and Nate lazily gets ready for the day.

He gets dressed in a grey short-sleeve, blue pants, sneakers, and a black hoodie jacket with two yellow lines down both sleeves.

After getting dressed, he eats his breakfast tray of an omelet and bacon. All the while thinking.

"How did they sign me up and get a schedule so quickly? If I knew waking up early morning was part of this deal, I'd of refused immediately. I hate mornings."

After his early morning breakfast and complaining session, Nate goes into his bathroom to finish getting ready for fencing and school. Once done, he grabs his backpack and meets Jean-Yves in the lobby. Jean-Yves was holding a yellow duffel bag that Nate assumes is full of his fencing equipment. Nate looks at the bag for a minute, then at Jean-Yves, then back at the bag.

"Dad knew I would say yes, so he signed me up beforehand, didn't he?" Nate asks Jean-Yves in a neutral but tired tone.

Jean-Yves says nothing and only smiles. Nate releases a long-suffering sigh and then mutters.

"Should have known. That explains why it was so quick to sign me up."

"Shall we get going, Nathanial?" Jean-Yves asks with a smile.

Nathanial yawns while nodding his head yes. The two then walk out the door toward the school.

"Is this going to be a common thing; where I have to wake up in the mornings?" Nate asks him tiredly.

"It'll depend on your teacher's schedule. Some days will be like this. While on other days, the lessons will be after school." Jean-Yves tells him.

"Great," Nate mutters sarcastically.

"None of that. You are a bit of a shut-in and don't hang out with many people. Your dad thinks this will be good for you. You can't hang out with your new cousin forever." Jean-Yves tells him.

"I'm pretty sure if he knew as much as I did about Marinette's situation, he wouldn't be saying that." Nate thinks to himself.

"This is a good opportunity for you to make more friends. You're talkative and a nice boy despite all appearances." Jean-Yves tells him.

"What do you mean despite all appearances? What's wrong with how I look?" Nate looks down at himself, wondering what's wrong with his outfit.

"Don't worry about it, Nathanial," Jean-Yves tells him with a smile.

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