Role Reversal

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Pixelator and Fashionista walk side by side through the streets with an army of Fashionista's entourage behind them as they search for the heroes.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, heroes. I just want to take your pictures. There's no need to be so camera shy." Pixelator says as he keeps a hand positioned on his camera eye to be ready to attack as soon as he sees them.

"Yes, call out to them. That's such a good way of finding them." Fashionista sarcastically tells him as she rolls her eyes behind her glasses.

"And your entourage is by walking behind us?" Pixelator snaps back in annoyance.

"This is the main body of my entourage that I keep around to protect me. I have plenty out searching for them. Honestly, getting paired with you is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. How have you gotten this far with such a pathetic mind?" Fashionista snaps back at him.

Unfortunately for Hawkmoth, it seems like his Akumas don't mix well and are constantly having arguments with each other. Fashionista is getting annoyed with Pixelator's obsession with Jagged Stone. Pixelator is annoyed with Fashionista's arrogance in herself and how she says she's the next big name in the fashion world. Because of this, they keep throwing barbs and insults at each other.

"Oh, it's sad that you have to have so many people to protect you. Can't do anything on your own?" Pixelator mocks, causing Fashionista to glare at him before scoffing.

"'This coming from the idiot who almost got captured and only survived because of my entourage and Cat Noir's incompetence. Please, you're far more useless than me." Fashionista shoots back.

"Didn't that same power result in your defeat? You have no room to talk." Pixelator snaps at her in annoyance.

Fashionista grits her teeth and glares at Pixelator, some of her entourage starting to surround him slightly. However, nothing comes of it as Hawkmoth quickly defuses the situation.

"Enough! You two will work together if you want to accomplish your goals." Hawkmoth orders, causing the Akumas to stop.

The two glare at each other before looking away in annoyance. When he sees this, Hawkmoth facepalms while groaning in irritation.

"This is one of the reasons why I hate using this power. The fact that I'm using it to create villains isn't going to help with how they act either." Hawkmoth mutters in his base as he watches how the two act around each other.

He's not the only one watching, though. Ladybug and Cat Noir are positioned above a roof a fair distance away, taking turns using Cat Noir's baton like a monocular telescope.

"It seems like they don't get along with each other," Ladybug says as she watches the two argue before Hawkmoth interferes.

"Well, that's good. Can you imagine if those two got along? We'd be in a lot more trouble if it ended up being a scenario where the villains actually like each other." Cat Noir mutters as he watches the army move.

Ladybug cringes at that idea, remembering their earlier encounter when they were forced to retreat.

"Any ideas on the suit yet?" Cat Noir asks her.

"Maybe I'm supposed to make a suit that reverses a person's movements. You know, going right when they meant to go left." Ladybug says while pointing her hands left and right.

"That would be useful against Fashionista's army since they'd become a jumbled mess." Cat Noir nods in agreement.

"Yeah, it'd probably work on the other Akuma too." Ladybug nods in agreement.

After that, Cat Noir uses his baton to spy on the army again and notices something strange.

"Uh, Ladybug." Cat Noir says as Ladybug tries to concentrate.

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