chapter five

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I finished explaining why I was staying the night over at Robin's house. She looked over at me in concern, "why didn't you tell anyone?" I shrugged my shoulders in response. She nodded her head, "and why did Eddie Drop you off and is picking you up tomorrow?"

"I honestly have no clue, he and Steve were talking at the diner. Something is definitely up though." This was the truth, I really didn't know why Eddie is acting this way.

Robin considered my words, "maybe he has a crush on you." My eyes widened at her response, I could feel a blush creeping onto my face. "Or maybe you have a crush on him," she gasped.

"Robin, I barely know the guy. Yes, he's sweet and attractive, but I don't KNOW him," I responded, staring down at the table. There's something about him. He was even nice to me when I was bigger.

Robin put her hand over mine, "yeah but, there could be something there." I glanced up at her and shook my head. He would never see me as anything more than a friend, especially after learning what happened to me.

I yawned and looked at the clock, 9:44. Had it really been that long since I got here? Robins eyes followed mine, "I think it's time for bed. You can borrow some of my clothes." I nodded in agreement. It has been such a long day, I couldn't wait to sleep.

Robin's alarm jolted me out of my sleep. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look at Robin, who was still passed out. I take my pillow and smack her with it. She barely stirs. Rolling my eyes, I turn off her alarm and head to the bathroom.

The circles under my eyes seemed to grow even darker than they were the day before.

Fuck. I feel like shit. My head was pounding.

I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the pain killers. I swallowed three of them and splashed my face with cold water, hoping to bring some color back to my face.

Walking back into Robin's room, I see she's still sleeping. "Robin. RobIN. ROBIN." Robin sits straight up, scaring the shit out of me. She didn't say a word as she climbed out of bed, not bothering to even glance at me.

She's so fucking weird sometimes.

I shrug off the weirdness and walk to the kitchen to where her parents sat. "Sweetheart, some boy Eddie called and said he'd be here soon to get you." Mrs. Buckley said, not looking up from her paper. Right on cue, there was a knock at the door.

I slowly walked to the door, purposely taking my time. I can't believe Steve is going to these lengths to keep an eye on me. When I opened the door Eddie smiled brightly, "good morning Sunshine. I brought you your clothes." He held out a neatly folded pile of clothes. He was wearing a shirt that said "HELLFIRE CLUB", a black leather jacket, with a denim vest over it and black ripped jeans. Even in simple clothing he looked good.

I grabbed the clothes from him, my hand touching his longer than necessary. I could see his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.

"Thank you, um, you can come in while I get ready," I said turning around. Robin peeked her head around the corner to see who showed up. A big smile stretched across her face, "ah, if it isn't the one and only Eddie "The Freak" Munson."

I slapped her arm in passing, "don't call him that." She rolled her eyes in response and went to talk with him.

I made my way into the bathroom and threw on the clothes Eddie brought me. I fixed my hair the best I could and decided I wasn't going to wear make up today. My dark circles are here to stay.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Robin and Eddie whispering and giggling like little school girls. I feel very out of the loop with everything. Brushing off the feeling, I made my way over to them.

"... and then she threw up, everywhere." Eddie let out a laugh at whatever story Robin was telling him. Noticing me, Eddie looked up and smiled. "Beautiful as always," he breathed. I felt my heart rate pick up and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"We ready to go?" I asked grabbing my things. Eddie nodded and waved at Robin, "see you at school Robin." She smiled and waved back at him.

I followed Eddie out to his van; he opened my door as he did yesterday, "your chariot awaits, princess." I smiled to myself and slid into the van.

"What's HellFire?" I asked as Eddie started the van up. He raised his eyebrow at me, "promise not to laugh?" I crossed my heart and held out my pinky, "I pinky promise."

Eddie linked his pinky in with mine, "it's my D&D club. A couple of my friends all play together." I wasn't surprised by his words. I'd seen Mike and his party hang out with Eddie before. "We're um actually starting a new campaign soon... if you'd like to join?" Eddie sounded hopeful.

"Under one condition," I stated, smiling at him. I noticed our pinkies were still linked, but didn't make a move to untangle them. "Anything for you, gorgeous," Eddie replied. I smirked at him, "I get
to have a cool shirt too."

Eddie laughed at my request, "I can definitely make that happen. We're playing tonight, but usually it's every Friday after school." I nodded and hummed in response.

"So, will you come tonight?" Eddie asked. I looked at him and pretended to think about it, "hmmm, I don't know..." Eddie faked laughed. He seemed to notice our pinkies still linked together and moved to interlace our fingers together, "please, for me?"

God why is he doing this to me? The last thing I want is to catch feelings and he not feel the same.

"Well, when you put it that way, of course I will," I laughed, "ONLY if by next Friday, I can get a shirt." Eddie seemed to mull over my response, "if you don't mind, what size shirt do you wear?"

If he had asked me 8 months ago, I would've been too embarrassed to answer.

"Usually a medium, but depending on the fabric, a small would work." I said in response. Eddie's smile grew, "perfect! I have an extra clean one in the back. I'll give it to you once we stop."

We sat in silence and just listened to the radio for the rest of the ride to school. The feeling of Eddie's rings between my fingers made my body feel hot. I couldn't concentrate on anything else, if I'm being honest. Eddie rubbed his thumb over my mine, almost absentmindedly. The butterflies I felt this morning haven't left the entire time I've been around him.

You don't like him. I told myself over and over again.

We pulled into school and Eddie removed his hand from mine to put the van in park. "Stay right there." He said before getting out. He ran to the back of the van and opened up the doors. I heard him shuffle around a little before slamming the doors shut and coming to my side.

Opening the door for me, Eddie held up a shirt identical to his, "welcome to HellFire."



I think i'm in love :')

I'm rewatching season 4 for more inspiration 😂

Let me know what you guys think!!

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