Not an update-Sorry

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Sorry guys till next week I will not able to update as I'm having some Health problem.

As I have a severe headache as well normal cough and cold.

It will take time to heal and because of this my eyes are paining.

Don't worry I don't have corona it's just normal .

I hope you will understand and when I will come back there will be double update of OUR LOVE JOURNEY

And I know there are some pending stories of mine left and after coming back I will update of them too

Till then have some little patience and keep voting, because these are the source of my motivation.

And also as you know I have set targets and now whenver you all will complete my votes target there will be double update for you all as a gift.

So keep voting and do comments.

Stay tuned and take care...

Meet you all at 19th June - Sunday.
Have a good day ❤️

Once again sorry ❤️

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