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"Naira" Abhimanyu could only say that as she ran away. 

She was running down the stairs while tears streaming down to her face, she was running, and Abhimanyu was shouting her name, but she didn't pay any attention towards it. 

She can't handle whatever she saw that her own husband was the top on the other women, that too in her absence, he even came early.

 But never came early before and always say he had work, and being a understanding person she always understands, but now his work must be finished early but whatever she saw, was the truth or anything behind it. 

She is sure, she surely trusts her love, but she doesn't trust that Sam girl, who did all this and try to create misunderstanding between them.  

She ran and ran until she came outside of the house, she was running fastly not caring about the surroundings, until Abhimanyu jerked her his side and a speedy car passed side by them. 

''What the hell you were doing, if today something happens to you then what would I do without you, you were just running and running, that ow a queen react and do, not caring about the surrounding and all?'' He shouted at the top of his voice and his heart was beating madly when he saw that car was coming in her direction with a full speed, and she was not even caring about that.

''That's what a king do, huh! when his wife was not at home.'' She also shouted, feeling helpless for the first time. 

''You have to trust me, Naira for God's sake.'' He also shouted. 

Why can't she understand, he never ever does something like that in his whole life then now why he will do that when he has his own wife. 

Why can't she try to trust him, it will be lie if it didn't hurt Abhimanyu, it hurts, it's too much hurt, when his own life partner didn't trust him. 

There was a complete silence, both were looking into their eyes, both of their eyes filled with pain, one who saw her own husband with someone else, and another when his own love not try to trust him. 

''I do'' She stated in a slow voice, and one tear slipped from Abhimanyu eyes and rain drops also start falling. 

''Huh.'' He asked unsure whether he listen right or wrong.

''I do trust you.'' She said, ''But.'' 

''But.'' He repeated, feeling his heartbeat at pace. 

''But I don't trust that women, that witch, Sam.'' She complained like a small child, rubbing her nose and washing away her tears. 

He chuckled, while his tears were also flowing. 

She took a step forward and forward her hands towards his biceps and hugged him tightly. 

''I'm sorry.'' She said and cried loudly, while Abhimanyu also cried with her. 

Today evilness also got failed, in front of their love and in front of their trust.

Naira looked at his face still hugging him, and he also looked at her. 

How come he got so much lucky that he gets a beautiful, understanding wife who trust him so much. 

Abhimanyu looked at her eyes and then his eyes fell on her lips which were shinning due to the rain drops. 

Her lips looked tempting to him, and he started leaning in slowly, Naira's heartbeat raised, and she closed her eyes in anticipation. 

Abhimanyu smiled, seeing her consent and he also closed his eyes and finally their lips met. 

The kiss was slow but beautiful as they were pouring their love into it, and now Naira has no doubt of her love, she is blissfully and totally in love with Abhimanyu. 

Naira and Abhimanyu heart were raising as their lips were working on each lips. 

Today heaven was also happy in their love, in their beliefs of each other. 

They slowly detached from each other and joined their forehead, ''Come, let's go inside, otherwise we both will catch a cold.'' Naira nodded and they started going inside the house. 

Whole house was waiting for them as they also heard the commotion and when they saw their deshelled self, they got worried. 

''Naira'' ''Abhimanyu'' Both mother of them called them. 

''What happened, are you both okay.''  Abhimanyu mother asked. 

They both nodded, looking at each other. 

All family member sighed in relief but didn't ask more further question as it's between the husband and wife. 

''You both go and freshen up, otherwise you will catch a cold, and come downstairs dinner is ready.'' She said and they both nodded. 


''No, how can it be failed, ugh Why Abhi, why Abhi why can't you feel my love, what is in Naira, that isn't in me.'' Sam cried while smashing things in her room and sat on the floor and cried loudly. 

No matter what the person does, and how's the person is but when a person starts loving and if their heart break then it pains like a piece get removed harshly from your body. 

That's what Sam feels, Abhimanyu was her childhood first love, she never saw any another man, other than Abhimanyu.

She got imitate with any other man, she was waiting for Abhimanyu to get married and then lose her virginity to Abhi only. 

But everything got destroyed because of Naira, she came in her life as a third wheeler, she hates Naira to the extreme core, and she will do anything to remove her from their life. 

But in this obsession and anger, she forgot what Abhimanyu feels for her, he never saw Sam as his lover, he only feels for Naira for the first and last time. 

She balled her fist and screamed loudly. She can't stay this much silent after what all happened, she have to do something, and she have a solid thing to do and a victim who is the pride and heart of Shekhawat. 

Diya Singh Shekhawat. 

She first has to make Diya on her side then whatever will happen, will be done by one and only Diya. 

She thought and laughed loudly like a maniac. 

''You reverse count down has start Naira, you snatched my love, and I will snatch everything of yours, that is My Abhimanyu, he only loves me.'' She said and then again laughed. 


First of all, HAPPY DIWALI ✨✨✨

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