Yes ma'am

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Stella woke with a start. She hated nightmares and they were always the same. The crash.

Sitting up she looked around slightly and panic overtook her when she saw the candle was out.

Racing over to the side she quickly relit it and let out a small sigh of relief before walking back over to the bed and crashing down.

She stuck to the left side of the bed as she lay on her side, staring at the empty space beside her.

Taking a small deep breath she kicked back the blankets and got off the bed.

Walking over to the door, uncaring she was just in Ace's shirt, she opened it and saw the family's collection of bodyguards.

"Hey Hugo." She mumbled as he turned to her.

"You should be in bed ma'am."

"Can't sleep." She mumbled again as she leant against the doorframe, ignoring every other guard.

Hugo had been assigned to her for as long as she could remember. And though he'd never shown any emotion, she knew deep down he cared for her, as more than just a job.

"Can you tell me a story?" She asked looking up at him.

"What story would you like ma'am?" He asked as he turned to her.

"Ever heard of Hero and Leander?" She asked as she slowly walked back into her room.

He followed and watched as she climbed back into bed.

"The priestess of Aphrodite?" He asked as he stood over her bed.

She nodded as she lay back down. "That's the one."

"I've heard of it ma'am."

"Tell it to me." She ordered.

"As you wish." He spoke in the same monotone voice.

Stella pulled the blankets up over her as she gently shut her eyes, listening to him tell her the same tale she'd heard so much.

Of course it was different to how Ace told it but the story was still the same.

She opened her eyes just as he finished as she rolled her head to the side, her attention landing on the candle flickering on her windowsill.

"Would you like me to take care of that ma'am?" Hugo asked, noticing her attention.

"No thanks Hugo, it's for Leander." She whispered.

"Very well." He fidgeted slightly. "Is there anything else you'd like?"

Stella thought for a moment as she sighed, before looking up at him.

"Would it bother you if I asked you to tell me it again?"

"Not at all ma'am."

Stella smiled up at him as he began the tale again. Gently letting her close once more she pictured the tale in full detail, only this time, she was Hero and Ace just so happened to take the form of Leander.

She awoke once more to the feeling of someone sitting beside her on the bed.

Jumping slightly she grabbed at the blankets as she saw Jordan.

"Morning you." He gave her a small smile.


"I made you a tea, just the way you like it." He said nodding to a mug on the bedside table. "Or used to, I don't know if you still like tea."

Stella shrugged slightly, the thought to try tea had never crossed her mind.

"So we're leaving tomorrow aye? You ready to come home?" He asked awkwardly, things had changed between them and he knew it too.

The Redemption of Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now