Reset botton

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There are always some people
Who we say are like angels
Bringing happiness to us by there presence,
But as they say nothing is set in stone
There is always changes as life goes on,
Maybe the people we thought were bad
Will be the ones saving us from our doom,
And while the good ones leading us to wrong
But also there is nothing right or wrong,
Sometimes what we thought is right
May be wrong in other's eyes,
But all we have to do is follow our path,
Cuz at the end of the day
No matter what others think
The choice of what to choose
Rests with us,
Always know that while
Something that happens bring happiness to us
There will always be situations where that thing is bringing sadness to others,
So it's time to stop over thinking
Categorising people as good or bad,
And even if you do,
Always have a reset botton with yourself,
Cuz as long as you are alive
You will change as well as people around you



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