1) Tatooine

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In my entire life, I never knew what it was like to be free or what even freedom looked like. Yet little did I know that was about to change...

All my younger brother Anakin I ever knew since birth was a life of slavery. We were born to our mother, Shimi Skywalker, who had only known an enslaved person's life since she was a girl. Yet I could only dream of what it would be like to fly amongst the stars with my little brother by my side. I briefly glanced at him as we both cleaned some fan switches. We wanted to see far-off places with greenery, which I could only have dreamed and heard of in stories that, in my mind's eye, must be breathtaking. But Tatooine was a bland blanket of monotonous colour and landscapes I had known all my life. What would I have given to see a waterfall, wander through a lush green forest or feel blades of grass between my fingers? Such places as Naboo, I heard, had such stunning scenery. This made me dream all the more.

I believe Anakin and I had a tight-knit bond that no one could ever break like all brothers are supposed to have. We looked out for one another through thick and thin, Anakin watching my back and me watching his. Something we had done for years since we began working for our Toydarian master Watto. Better than our former owner Gardulla, the Hutt had been, to be fair. Yet, as I get lost in my thoughts, a strange feeling washes over me and pulls at my insides like it had done this morning when I had gotten up. The fan switch I'd been cleaning no longer interested me.

"Boys, get in here now!" Our master Watto now yelled for myself and Anakin in Huttese, not the most pleasing of languages as it has always been quite throaty but was most commonly used on Tatooine. Now, breaking away from my thoughts, I knew that our dreams would never come true of us.

"Come on, Ani, let's go and see what that annoying blue dingbat wants," I let out with a slight sigh, getting up from where I had been sitting and putting down the fan switch; a content smile crept upon my lips. Then, playfully ruffling my brother's sun-kissed blonde locks, now smirking as he batted my hand away. In doing so, I now usher him before me, quickly cleaning oil off my hands with a rag before tossing it aside.

We enter the shop out front, Watto hovering in my sight, "What took you both so long?"

It had been a muggy day so far, even for being on Tatooine. I had heard pilots and crew members of a ship whining about the heat on the way to work this morning. One had wished it would snow to dampen the heat.

"We've been cleaning those things like you asked us to," my brother replied, hopping onto the curved counter. As I noted, Watto tried his best not to sneer, only making some aggravated noise in the back of his throat. Not pleased with my brother's excuse, he raised his eyebrows, challenging me, but I could only roll my eyes and stop myself from sighing. My other task as the big brother was to diffuse the situation before Anakin got into trouble.

𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 (Obi Wan Kenobi)Where stories live. Discover now