⚡️Vecna's curse⚡️ part 3

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"Y/n?! Can you hear me??" I yelled, hurriedly shaking her shoulders, she didn't respond. Her eyes were almost fully white, apart from the crimson red blood vessels bleeding into them.
I could hear Robin behind me, fumbling to find the radio, quickly pressing the speak button and shouting into it.
"Dustin?! We've got a problem." She yelled.
"Y/n?!" I crouched in front of her, she was still sat down.
"Y/n!! Please.." i said, tears forming once again.

Robin continued to try Dustin.

Y/n's POV:
The woods i was in just minutes ago had turned. I was back in Wisconsin. Standing by the side of the familiar winding roads.
"Robin?!" I called, panicked.
It's happening..
i was so scared, walking around the edge of the tall dark trees. I could recall exactly where i was.

I then heard faint screaming and grunting from a distance. Something told me to run. Not away, to run towards it.
I ran and ran until the voice became deafening.
Screaming in agony for help.
"Dad?!" I yelled
Running still, coming up to a tree, stopping to peak behind it.
There he was. But he wasn't alone.
3 black bears.
2 cubs and a mother. The mother, hunched over my fathers body, his arms were flailing and he scratched and clawed at the animal, trying to get it off.
But it was eating him alive.
"Dad.. no.. it can't happen again."

I then heard a menacing voice behind me.
"Are you just going to watch Y/n?" A gritting low growl of a sound came.
I was crying at this point, watching in horror as the bears tore apart the body of my father, ripping at him with their teeth.
He still lived however, glancing over at me to make painful eye contact.
"It's your reaction that killed him. If you had of helped, he might still be here. Then you wouldn't have to live with your alcoholic aunt." I flipped around to face whatever was saying these things to me,

And was shocked to see a horrifying creature in front of me.
It looked life someone had been skinned. Not a pretty sight to be honest.
"You must be Vecna.." i said, with a small half-hearted laugh, stepping back a bit. Only for the creature to step the same as me.

It stepped towards me, i fell backwards, hitting my head on the tree behind me.
"Y/n.. its time, for your suffering. To come to an end." He said, slowly stepping towards my body.
"No.." i whispered. I could only remember all the amazing memories i had made in Hawkins since i arrived. It had been the best time of my life, it couldn't just.. end.
It reached out its hand, and I squeezed my eyes shut, praying for the nightmare to end.

His hand was just above my head, his fingernails looked ready to impale my eyes or something. Idk. However he stopped there. Nothing was happening, so i got the courage to open my eyes slowly. He seemed to be struggling, like he couldn't touch me.

Gareth's POV:
"Robin.. we're running out of time!!" I yelled, not taking my eyes off Y/n.
"Guys?! Guys?! Is Y/n ok??"
"Dustin!! Y/n is back in her trance!!" Robin yelled, panicked.
"Its ok!! Go in the backpack and grab her walkman! Play her favourite song!!" Robin snapped back to her senses, like she remembered something.

"Gareth!! What's her favourite song?!" She yelled
"What?? Why?!" I yelled back, how the hell was that gonna help??
"JUST. TELL. ME." I thought for a moment, remembering what she had told me.
"Its f/s!! It should be in the backpack!" I yelled, Robin ran over, sliding on her knees and put the headphones on Y/n, placing the walkman in her pocket.

"How the hell does that help??" I yell.
Robin just looked at me.
"Just trust me, it worked for Max."
Then, Y/n started to lift slowly into the air, i still held onto her shoulders, initially being shocked by what was going on, but soon jumping up after her to wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back down.
"Y/n!! No please!!" I begged, using my whole body weight to hold her down and stop her from floating upwards.

I looked up to see her eyes flickering. I could hear her music playing loudly over the headphones.
I prayed for her, squeezing my eyes shut and remembering the last 6 months. The best 6 months of my life.
I was not about to watch my one love die in front of me.

Y/n's POV:
While Vecna was distracted, i could hear loud music playing from somewhere.
My favourite song..
and a portal opened up on the other side of the upside down forest. I could see myself floating a little, Robin at the floor.. and Gareth was holding me down. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I glanced back at the now limp body of my father.
"Goodbye dad. For real this time" i said, my eyes tearing up.
"I love you." I said, before shoving away Vecna's hand and sprinting over to the portal.

"You aren't innocent Y/n. You must pay. Join me!" Vecna called after me, I ignored him and just sprinted faster than i think i ever have. Not once looking back, staring at my goal as it got closer and closer.
"You can't escape your sins, Y/n." Vecna called, i arrived finally at the portal, throwing myself through it.
And finally waking up back in reality.

I fell the 30cm i had lifted off the ground and landed with a grunt.
"Y/N!!" Gareth shouted, hugging me tighter than he ever had before.
"Thank god.." said Robin
I just stared in shock before hugging Gareth back and lightly sobbing into his shoulder.

"You saved me." I said. Hugging him tightly.

"I love you Y/n. You saved me as well." He said, pain in his voice as he held my head to his chest.

Robin: 🧍🏼‍♀️

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