Prologue - Sunshine Shining On The Curious Child

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White. Bright. Blinding. Any faint trace of filth, no matter how small, cast away into the void of nothingness. Polished to perfection—the past, the present, the future unblemished. 

However, ancient philosophy has claimed long ago that any existence that expresses its continued survival shall require a counterpart—an opposite existence to function in reality.

The Unity of Opposites.

It applies to everything—even the Void Of White is not excluded. No matter how polished, no matter how pure something may be, it shall crumble into dust and be whisked away into nothingness if it does not fulfill that condition. Reality will not allow it.

And it is exactly that Void which houses Darkness that far surpasses what any normal existence could endure. No, even using "normal" in connection with it is an affront to anyone of a sane mind. It houses the darkest of prisoners.

It truly is..

the Apeiron of Darkness.

But what happens to Darkness which has no place to manifest? No cocoon to hide in? No place to take root and spread its disgusting arms, branching out and bringing forth decay? Trapped in an unblemished, inescapable Void which eradicates any trace of it.

It chooses the only being with a soul as its host.

Ironic—the Void considers itself superior, overwhelming, perfect.

But it is exactly that being which is the most flawed of all, trapped in the perfect Void.

It is not because the Darkness consumes that being.

It is not because that being loses its own will, loses itself.


they break the concept that holds everything together.

The Unity Of Opposites.

For that being houses no opposing light,

only Darkness. 


I always have the weirdest dreams...

Waking up from my day-dreaming, I hastily looked around myself. Phew, seems like no one noticed, I almost panicked there for a second. I took a glance down at my desk to look at the math worksheet we had just received from our teacher. We were supposed to work on it and fill in the answer boxes, but I figured I could take a little nap and just do them last minute.

I've never had a problem doing it that way, and today was no exception.

After classes ended, most people went to their respective clubs. The Karate people went to the Karate club, the art people went to the art club, the music.. you get the picture. Actually, my school, Sekimoto High, had quite a fair number of clubs students could participate in. The aforementioned clubs of course, but also literature, mythology and even an anime club. While it wasn't mandatory to join any, I still thought it's quite interesting so I decided to become part of one. I mean, I have never had the chance to try out something like that before coming to this school.

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