SS - Matsuo: Like Father, Like Son

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"That was all I wished to discuss."

"Thanks as always, Matsuo."

Right now, I was in the apartment I had found a long time ago. We were just finishing up some important business related to certain important matters.

"Now that we are done, how about we just sit back and discuss what has happened so far?"

It was always a pleasure to chat with him. Especially because we mostly communicated over the phone, so I cherished the times we were in person.

"Sure, I don't have anything else planned for today."

"Great. I shall prepare some tea then." Even though it was the host's duty to provide for a guest, I would not call myself a "guest" if I intruded upon his home. And while he knew how to brew the perfect cup of tea through his tea ceremony training, he was aware of how much I enjoyed making tea. I silently appreciated his thoughtfulness.

Borrowing his kitchen, I quickly boiled some water. I took out the tea pot and with a quick swirl of hot water, warmed it. When using tea bags or leaf, the cold doesn't shock the tea this way. It is a very traditional, very British method of tea preparation.

Once I decided the temperature of the tea pot to be perfect, I poured in some freshly boiled water. I took several tea bags from the cabinets.

Hmm.. Which one should I pick? Classic black tea, or English breakfast? I wish there was some Earl Grey, but alas, there is none.

I'll just go with black tea.

Then, what milk—

"Matsuo, you seriously love tea, don't you?"

That gave me a little shock! But I quickly calmed down. Kiyotaka had decided to make his appearance known.

"Yes, I indeed do. Sorry for taking up several minutes." I didn't even realize, but quite a while has passed. Once you have fun, time truly becomes secondary.

"It's no problem," he said. His tone felt warmer than it usually was. "I'll help you."

"Thank you very much." 

We should have probably done it together from the start.


Currently, we were seated opposite of each other in the living room. I took a sip of our freshly brewed tea.


"So, Kiyotaka, what are your plans for the rest of this summer vacation?"

While I had contacted him several times, that was related to some other important matter. I have not heard about how he spent his free time. Of course, if he does not wish to tell me, I will not pry... But it would be a lie to say that my curiosity's not piqued.

One other thing—I have recently taken to calling him by his first name, "Kiyotaka". Even for an old fool like me, constantly using "Master" becomes quite tiring. I predicted his reaction, but I still am glad he did not mind at all.

He took a sip of his tea. "Well, I've had some fun with my friends."

I felt a weird sense of pride upon hearing him say, "friends". But... also a certain loneliness. Conflicting emotions twirled in my heart, battling for superiority over my soul. I hoped my fatherly instincts would achieve victory over the void growing inside of me.

"That is good to hear. You've been enjoying yourself, I presume?"

He looked down, pondering my inquiry. "...I think so, yes. And there's something else soon."

Volume 1 - Top-Tier Character Ayanokōji-kun [DISCONTINUED] [READ THE REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now