Chapter 12 - Destined Desires

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Leaving something behind.

Being remembered by those you care about or who care about you.

Whether it be friends, family or simple acquaintances.

Or even huge masses of people.

But not everyone wishes to leave behind the same kind of legacy, do they?

We are all special and unique individuals, no?

It'd be boring if everyone was the same. We can't have that.

Some men and women take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine.

Some carve their names on hearts, not tombstones. Their legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share.

Some don't want to be forgotten as soon as they are dead, so they either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

Some wish to leave a legacy of love and passion in the world. They think that they've done their job in a world that's getting colder and colder by the day.

Some wish to touch as many hearts as possible.

Some use their life to spend it for something that will outlast them.

Some wish to make a mark on the world that can't be erased.

There are an innumerable amount of  ways and methods to leave behind a legacy.

But not everyone wishes to leave their presence behind in the minds of others after they're gone.

Some want to stay unknown.

They want to be whisked away into nothingness. Not remembered by anyone or anything.

No matter how many people they have met, no matter how many things they have done, in the end it doesn't matter.

Because no one in the entire world will be able to recall their actions.

Their words.

Their deeds.

Their face.

They will simply crumble into sand and lay atop the eternal desert of time.

But even then...

it is possible that minds can be convinced.

That those, who do not wish to leave something behind, start taking action.

They reconsider their actions. They choose other words to express how they feel.

They don't change paths—rather, they build an entirely new road upon which they, and future generations, will be able to walk upon.

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