SS - Matsuo: Phone Call

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What a beautiful night it is, no?

Shining stars in the sky. A tranquil silence. 

What could you possibly do to add to this solemn atmosphere?

I have just the idea—an elegant cup of tea. Black tea, perhaps? It is his favorite, after all. I would rather not leave this scenery, but I need to go to the kitchen if I want to get myself a cup.

*ring* *ring*

What.. he is calling me? This late at night? That never happens! So.. did something bad occur? I sure hope not. 

I picked up the phone and...

"Yo, old man... how yo' doing?"


"Who are you and what have you done with Ayanokōji Kiyotaka?"

"No, Matsuo. It's me. I haven't gotten kidnapped."

"Wait.. what? But.. but.. I'm confused. That was not you just now, was it?"

"That was me."



I know I am getting old so my hearing may not be the best anymore.. but that could not have been him. He.. does not talk like that. At all. But what if it actually was him...

"Then... if it actually was you, could you please explain.. why you talked like that?"

"Today in school, one of my classmates told me I talk like 'one of those old people on the ads trying to sell me a product'. I don't want to sound like that, so right now I'm practicing teenage slang."


"Why aren't you saying anything?"

What.. am I supposed to say?

"I.. see. *cough* So, was that all you wanted to try out? If yes, then please—"

"No, I prepared a whole list of things I want to try saying. I don't want to go through such a situation again."

"I assume.. I'm your practice partner then?"



"All right, then. I am all ears."

"Thanks. Here I go."

I told him once that I will help any way I can... but I never expected this.

"Man, Matsuo.. you have a lot of.. swag."


"That thing' you're always wearing is rad, dude."


"I appreciate the support you givin' me, no cap."


"For real tho, that guy is, like, totally not dope at all. +L.. +ratio..? Wait this?"

"Master Ayanokōji, are you perhaps getting confused by your own words?"

"No, I'm not. I simply misread. Anyway, I'm going to continue."

This.. is actually happening right now, is it not? I wonder how people would react upon seeing the supposed "masterpiece" like this.


"Hm? Is there something funny?"

"No.. pft.. Please, forget anything I said. Continue."

He has probably already realized, but I need to keep calm anyway.

I do not know if I can do that, though.

"Yo, Matsuo, what's ligma?"

"What? I.. do not—"

"Ligma ballz! Gottem..."



"Master Ayano—"

"You gettin' triggered?"


"That shit's lit!"



"Listen to me for a second!"



"Master Ayanokōji, I think you have it wrong."

"I do?"

"Yes. I do not think you need to use.. teenage slang. It simply does not fit you, at all."

"Then where's the problem?"

"Your choice of words is fine, there is no need to mimic a certain age group's way of speaking. I think it would be enough if you just simply changed your tone a bit. Maybe you should try to be  a bit more... upbeat? In another words—just try to put more emotion into your voice. I think that should do it."

"Well.. you have more knowledge in this area than me, so I'll trust you. Thanks for the advice, Matsuo. I appreciate it."

"Haha, please, do not mind it. I am glad I was useful to you. I have to say though, it is certainly nice seeing you try this hard. You have opened up a bit more to other people, you know?"

Back in the White Room... when he was still with Professor Ayanokōji—I do not want to say it—but he had no soul. He was a lifeless shell. A corpse, so to say. But since he has escaped that vile place, he has changed dramatically. Maybe he does not realize it himself, maybe he does not even want to realize it.. but he is still changing, learning to talk with other people. I have always wished a normal life for him, a life where he could have enjoyed his childhood, had fun with his friends.. It is a great tragedy, but it seems like he has gotten one step closer to that at least.

I truly am happy.


"Uhm.. is there something—"

"Thanks, Matsuo. Hearing you say I've opened up... makes me happy."


I smiled to myself.

"Haha, I see. ...However, it has certainly gotten late. Goodnight, Master Ayanokōji."

"Goodnight, Matsuo."



That was the third sigh today, was it not?


I will never forget this phone call for the rest of my life.



Yea.. this is.. you can see what it is.

Anyway, as always.. I hoped you enjoyed reading it. :)

I'm going to continue with the main story now.

Criticism and corrections are appreciated.


- juli0os

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