Chapter 7 - Invisible Irregularities

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Fitting in.

Spending time with the people you like.

Becoming comfortable with them.

Every human being wants that. It is a natural instinct of ours.

We are not hermit creatures—our ancestors were inherently social, and we are still to this day.

We want to share our thoughts. Our feelings. Our emotions.

But not only do we simply want to share them, we want others to respond to them.

Otherwise, what's the point? Then you could also just simply talk to a wall.

If you ask a question, you want an answer.

If you confess your love to your crush, you want to hear a response from that person.

If you write a piece of fiction, you want others to criticize and discuss it.

It is an incredible feeling to share something with someone else.

That "someone else" can be many different kinds of people.

It could be a loved one, a family member, a friend or even a stranger.

Do you have someone like that?

Someone you are comfortable sharing your secrets with?

Someone who will accept your worries?

Someone who can help you and give advice in times of need?

Many people may have a person like that. Many do not.

But what determines an individual having or not having someone like that in their life?

Is it their upbringing? Their parents? Their circumstances?

In truth, there is no definite answer. No conclusion anyone can draw. It is impossible to determine.

But... what happens to those who cannot do any of the aforementioned?

Someone who can't share their worries with anyone else? Completely alone. Isolated.

Someone who has to keep all their fear, worries and thoughts bottled in. They shall never see the light of day.

What do they feel? How do they see the world? Are they happy? Sad? Frustrated? Do they feel.. anything at all?

Some people may be totally fine with that. They are strong enough to face any and every challenge completely by themselves. They don't need anyone.

But let us be truthful—most people on this planet are not like that. We are not able to do everything by ourselves.

Even those who seem perfect on the outside, who wear the biggest smiles on their faces are often the ones facing the most problems. Worrying, worrying and worrying they keep.

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