Chapter 15 - Revelation Revealed

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The bottomless pit of Despair and the blinding light of Hope.

Two opposite ends of the spectrum.

Two extremes.

Two completely different things.

While humanity has sought out one since the beginning of their history, they have shunned its counterpart.

They have tried to avoid it.

But they couldn't keep this up.

Why? Is it impossible to dismiss the concept of despair?


Humanity hadn't realized the concept of everything.

Where there is light, there is shadow.

Where there is success, there is failure.

Where there is hope, there is despair.

You cannot escape this fundamental condition.

But do not be mistaken. This does not mean they are of equal strength.

There are times when the corrupted branches of despair extinguish the fires of hope.

There are times when the rays of hope shine upon the shadows of despair.

Life is a constant back and forth between these two.

However, a question remains—rather, two remain.

What happens if hope overtakes?

What happens if despair overtakes?

How does a human being feel if it is only filled with one of these basic concepts?

Do they cower in fear?

Or do they feel comfort in the knowledge that the opposite will come back to complete the balance once again?

Which is it? It depends.

Only the individual knows. Their mind is the only thing aware of the answer.

Most would likely prefer to be filled with hope. 

To always be able to look forward to the next day. To spend their whole life near the light. Never having to think about any possible hardships or where the shadows lay.

But those that do lose one crucial aspect of their being—appreciation.

They aren't able to appreciate their circumstances. How good they actually have it.

They take it for granted—like it is something everyone has, not only them.

And once they experience the opposite, they crumble.

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