SS - Izumi Yuzu: Ice Cream Competition

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"Hehe.." It was just too funny. "Ayanokōji-kun, you really love ice cream, don't you?"

"Of course."

"Direct and to the point—that's the Ayanokōji I know!" Mizusawa-kun chuckled.

Right now, the three of us were going to an ice cream shop to get some.. well, ice cream, obviously. It wasn't my idea, it was Ayanokōji-kun's. Back when I told him I mastered "short hops" in Atafami, he only congratulated me and did nothing else.. I mean, when I got angry, I wasn't really angry or anything! I just thought it'd be nice to get a little reaction out of him..

And then he goes and does this.. Sometimes during lunch, he even has some ice cream sandwiches from the nearby convenience store in his lunch box.. it's morning for god sake! Aren't you supposed to eat like.. anything else other than that?!

But I didn't mind. To be honest, while he's usually really calm and collected.. whenever he talks about something he truly likes, like ice cream, his eyes lighten up just the tiniest bit! 

And it's just sooooo cute!!~

It's like I imagined—he may have that super hard exterior no one can break through, but deep down.. he's somewhat childish. Hehe~ and he's smart as well!

"By the way, wasn't Nakamura supposed to come, too?" Ayanokōji-kun asked.

Shuuji... I asked him, but he really had to be sick on this day.. man!! That sucks so bad.. But that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying myself! Mizusawa-kun and Ayanokōji-kun are both really cool! It's just.. Shuuji is, like, super cool!!

Before I could say anything else, Mizusawa-kun responded. "Oh, Shuuji? He got a cold, so he's staying home. What a shame, right?~"

Why is he looking at me.. and why did he have to say that last part so teasingly!?

"It-.. it doesn't matter! Anyway, we're here now, right? Ayanokōji-kun, you said there's some kinda surprise, no?"

"Take a look at that poster over there," he said, pointing at something with his index finger.

My eyesight wasn't that good and I'm pretty short.. so I had to stand on my toes and strain my eyes—

"Super Deluxe Giga Ultra Chocolate Ice Cream! Only today!", I read aloud what was written on the poster.


Oh my god.. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Is he serious!? What's.. with that name? A 5th grader could've come up with a better name than that!

"Ayanokōji-kun.. pf-.." I had some serious trouble suppressing my laugher. "Uhm.. I hope you don't mind me asking—but, do you.. really plan on eating that? It's, like, really big.."

I glanced over at Mizusawa-kun and even he looked stunned.. both of us thought we were just gonna get one or two scoops and then we'd be done! But now.. this? What the hell?!

Ayanokōji-kun stayed silent for a few seconds and then turned around, fully facing me.

Uhm.. what's gonna happen now? Why does he look so.. serious? It's just ice cream, right? And why isn't he saying any—


I... don't know what to say. "Uhm.. but, I just want.. one scoop."

"Me too, actually. Not keen on getting ultra brain freeze," Mizusawa-kun said nervously, scratching his head.

"Don't worry. I can simply eat your portions as well."

I don't think he understands the problem here... And wasn't this supposed to be for me!? I feel like Ayanokōji-kun is simply using me to get the maximum amount of ice cream!

Volume 1 - Top-Tier Character Ayanokōji-kun [DISCONTINUED] [READ THE REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now