Recovery (RadiAlbert)

416 3 25

This oneshot was requested by P0LARIS (Please do not harass them)

A/N: Oh boy... This chapter took longer than expected to finish. I'd like to apologize to P0LARIS for taking too long on this oneshot. Life and writer's block caught up to me, which made it hard for me to get this work out in a timely manner.

Content warnings: Violence, Mentions of illness/disease (Night's disease - Fictional illness), 


"And that [CONCLUDES] our [TOUR]. Do you [HAVE ANY QUESTIONS]?" Great_Day asks, looking at Albert.

"None at all, sir." Albert responds.

"Alright, then." Great takes a key out of his picket and handed it to Albert.

"This is the key to your [TEMPORARY RESIDENCE]. Be sure to take [VERY GOOD CARE] of it." He instructs.

"Alrighty! Thank you for the residence and tour!" Albert pockets his key.

"You're welcome."

Albert watched as Great and his operatives walked away.

Nice! Now that he was alone, he could use this time to investigate some places in the Day's town. Originally, he was supposed to meet with the Days for a couple of hours before returning back home, but they had allowed him to stay for a little while longer.

'Staying in the town for a few more hours wouldn't hurt, right?' Albert thinks to himself as he walks on a sidewalk, taking in the atmosphere.

After a long day of exploring, Albert decides that it was time for him to go back to his residence.

As he was walking on the sidewalk, he felt something creeping up on him. He looked back to see a tall dark creature with blank white eyes walking toward him, which prompted him to pick up the speed.

Seeing that the creature was also picking up the pace, Albert started to sprint.

He had gotten a good amount of distance until it pounced on him.

Albert thrashed around, trying to get it off of him, but it wouldn't let up. The creature had slashed him, forcing him to let go and await his nearing end...

...An end that would never come.

He looked up at the night sky, exhausted from his exsanguination. He heard a loud noise, and could no longer feel the weight of the creature on him. Slightly turning his head, he saw two figures. One of them had a glowing red eye while the other had two white eyes; similar to the creature that attacked him earlier.

The white-eyed figure looked at the other before looking back at him.

Oh no.

They were going to finish the job, weren't they?

The figure spoke.

"[IDENTITY]... [HEAR]...?" They ask. Albert makes a noise in response. He couldn't hear what they were saying, as the ringing in his ears made it hard to hear the whole sentence.

"Macabre! ...-[SAFETY]... [SEVERELY INJURED]." Was all he could hear before he passed out.


"[SEEN] Anything STRANGE yet, [IDENTITY] Radiant?"

"Uhh, Not at the-." Radiant was cut off by the sound of screeching and screams of agony. 

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