Reconnaissance (RadiAlbert)

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A/N: The two Radiant x Albert oneshots are compensation because the oneshot took almost 3 years to complete.

Content Warnings: Disease mention (Fictional Illness - Night's disease), this story is severely behind on canon lore but it's too late to change it


Albert was lying on his couch, idly scrolling on his phone until he got a call from the Robloxian Myth Hunters Organization.

He answers the call and places his ear to the receiver.

"Hey, Albert! How have you been?"

"I've been doing pretty good, thank you. How have you been, Kaden?"

"I've been good as well, thanks for asking!"

"Say... Do you have any plans for the next few weeks?" Kaden asks.

"Not really, outside of the usual, why?"

Albert had an idea of what Kaden was going to say.

"Well... There's this new group called 'The Days Union', and we need some information on it to add to the database. Did you want to investigate it?"

"The Days Union, huh?" Albert opens up his laptop and types up the name.

"...Is it spelled with an apostrophe s or without one?" He asks.


"Alrighty." Albert types the name.

Upon seeing the web results, there wasn't a lot of information on the Union. All he could see was the official website for the Union and, just beneath that, people freaking out about this [allegedly] scary society.

"From what I'm seeing so far, it looks pretty interesting.."

"So are you up for the task?" Kaden asks.

Albert mulls over the offer. 

He's been bored for the past few weeks, and the investigation would provide him with a new change of scenery. Plus, the Union looked intriguing enough to not pass up.

What harm would accepting this offer do? Although there was a slight chance that the investigation would end badly, he was still up for the task. During his tenure as a myth hunter, he's dealt with clowns, a cult family, and a stalker so far. So what if the Union turned out to be just as chaotic as them?

"Yeah! When do I start?"

"Whenever you're ready! Just make sure to send in a report every week."


After a bit of small talk, Albert hangs up the phone and gets on his laptop to do some more research on the Union.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much information on the official website, so he had to do some guesswork. Thankfully, Kaden had sent him some notes which made his job easier.

Once he was done, he gets up and starts packing his things. He figured that living in the Union would benefit his research since he could blend in with the civilians more easily.

Albert puts his suitcases down, figuring that he could load them in his car later. 

Right now, he wanted to get a good night's sleep before pushing off to start his investigation.


The next day, Albert walked out of the registration area. To his surprise, the registration process was pretty brief and the staff were cordial. So far, the Union wasn't as scary as people were making it out to be.

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