Circus love (g0zk0)

937 2 10

A/N: drink responsibly.

Content warnings: Drinking, slight dubcon [nothing actually happens], the author using her artistic license because she doesn't know how much shots are too much, the author is very sorry for what will happen.


G0z was walking in the circus, looking for his friend yucko, because he wanted to speak to the grumpy clown. After he checked [pretty much] everywhere, he got a bit nervous. He really wanted to tell yucko something important.

If there's something that G0z knows about yucko, it's that he likes to drink, which means that he could be at the bar drinking.

Once G0z arrived at the bar, he looked inside to see the other clown pour himself a drink.

"Drinking, huh?" G0z asked.

"Yeah, what of it?"

"N-nothing, Yucko! I-I was wondering i-if I can join you..!"

Maybe the important thing could wait...

Yucko raised a brow at this, before telling g0z that he could join in on the drinking.

G0z [nervously] made his way to to get himself a glass, before sitting down beside Yucko.

"W-want to play a drinking game to see how high our tolerance is?"

"Depends... What does the winner get?"

"Well... If you win, I'll raise your pay by 20 peanuts, and if I win, you have to quit drinking for a week."

Yucko mulled over the deal, before accepting the deal. He was confident that he was gonna win since G0z rarely drinks, and yucko's been drunk as long as he remembers.

"Prepare to lose, or win! heheheheh!"


1 shot...

2 shot...

3 shot...

4 shot...


He felt like he was floating... (while yucko drank the shots like it was water)


5 shot...

6 shot...

7 shot...

8 shot...

G0z lays his head on the counter, trying to reach for the 9th shot, only for it to knock over due to his clumsiness.

"Guess I wiiin." Yucko teased.

"n-not faaair~!" G0z whined, waving his hands at yucko.

"Life's not faaair~!" Yucko answered, mimicking g0z.


Yucko laughed, looking down at the inebriated clown.

"Come on boss, let's go to the tent, so we can sleep, wouldn't waaant to sleep on the hard counter."

So yucko dragged the clown doctor to G0z's office and went to one of the patient rooms.

"Yucky-poo! What are we gonna do now~?"



"No! I'm not tired yet!"

"Don't care."

"You're so meeean, Yucky! Why do I loove you?"


G0z rises from his chair and stumbles to Yucko, wrapping his arms around the grumpy clown's neck.

"I've loved you for a loooooong tiiiime yucky! It's just that I'm veery nervous about how you'd react!"

Before Yucko could react, g0z grabs yucko's chin (yucko isn't that much taller than g0z) and kisses him.

After a few seconds, the two broke apart the kiss.

"S-sorry Yucko! I don't want our friendship to be r-ruined!"

Yucko grabbed g0z and places him on the patient's bed, before e p i c a l l y  making out with him.

After what felt like hours, yucko broke up the kiss, looking at g0z's flushed face.

Yucko then spanks g0z, and g0z's as made a distinctive honking noise. 

G0z looks at yucko.

"yucko-senpai uwu. *notices ur bulge* owo wats dis?"

"owo g0z its pp"


"g0z, what kind of unsanitary stuff are we gonna do on this medical bed?"


"clown noodle wrestling ;o)"


The two were about to engage in manly clown barebacking before father sun came down and threw yucko out of the room.

After that, G0z (and yucko) fell asleep.


After g0z woke up, he had a  m a s s i v e  headache.

He should have some painkillers in his shelf...

Yucko went into the room and made his way to goz.

"Howdy do partner can i have my raise?"

"Okay, yucko, i guess you won it fair and s q u a r e ..."

After a while, the two proceeded to do the dang and the darn, while father sun sees.

Goz: ;o)

Yucko: ;o)

Father sun: my son why are you sinning?

And that's how zozzy of q was born


A/N: honestly, i probably do have the ability to write smut, but i sure as hell am not gonna write smut of the myths.

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