1 | A Special Request

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"Lo wake up

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"Lo wake up. You got school!"
I hear my mom call to me from downstairs.

As I wake up I'm instantly hit with the smell of pancakes and bacon.

There's nothing better than waking up to the smell of my moms homemade pancakes and bacon.

I roll out of bed and stretch. I'm contemplating whether or not I want to go to school.

I remember I have a quiz 3rd period that I can't afford to miss. I groan, grab my towel and stumble to the bathroom.

I turn on the water and set it to hot. I crank the knob as hot as it can go and let it run before getting in.

As I am undressing I look at myself in the mirror.

I rub my tired chocolate brown eyes and brush my teeth. Having braces all middle school helped me out A LOT.


After my shower I wash my face and apply my vanilla cocoa butter lotion.

My bronze skin looks pale today, but I noticed the pimple on my chin cleared up. So that's a plus.

I changed into grey nike sweats and a white tank top. I put all my jewelry on and debate grabbing a sweater just in case. "Fuck it." I grab the matching grey zip up and zip it up half way.

I make sure to spray my favourite perfume on which is of course "Sweet Like Candy" by Ariana Grande before I make my way downstairs.

"Hey baby how'd you sleep?"

My mother asked me. Me and my mom have always been close. My dad travels a lot for his job, meanwhile my mom works in our town so she can take care of me more.

"Really good. I didn't want to wake up" I tell her and she smiles. She hands me a plate of pancakes and bacon with a glass of apple juice.

Orange juice is good but cmon... apple juice for the win.

"I work late tonight baby, I should be home around 10. I'll leave money on the counter and you can order a pizza or something."

I didn't really mind being alone. I mostly studied for my classes so I can stay ahead. That or I smoked. It wasn't often, just sometimes when I needed to escape.

"Okay I'll probably stay home anyways when I get home from school." I reply taking a bite of my pancakes.

"Perfect I will see you later if you're still up. Love you so so so much" She grabs her purse and keys then walks around the table to place a kiss on my head.

"Love you too mom."


I pull into the school parking lot and grab my bag before getting out of the car. I make sure I lock my car and begin to walk towards the school.

I walk in and go straight to my locker.

As I reach my locker I grab my book and my notes while I wait for my friend Macy.

Macy and I have been close since middle school, she is like my sister. Macy is a bit taller than me. I'm 5'5 and she's a good 5'7. She has long strawberry blonde hair and a very freckled face. Macy is gorgeous. She gets a lot of attention from guys and she's always so cheerful.

"Heyyy my favourite person in the whole wide world."


I turn around and I'm met with a very smiling and suspicious looking Macy. "Hello Macy. You can drop the nice act now."

She rolls her eyes, "Rude. Do you have plans tonight, the football game is tonight and I really really want to go. Can you come please?" She pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes.

I give her a look and don't answer.

"Please please please please ple-"

"-Ughhh fine. I can't listen to this anymore. As long as you buy me sour keys from the concession stand." She smiles brightly and reaches her hand out to pinky promise me. "You got yourself a deal."

"Come by my house after school to pick me up." I look at the time on my phone "But I've got to go to my class now. Text me after." I walk past her to walk towards my class, I hear her yell "Your butt looks good in those sweats".

A few people look up and look at me. I put my head down to hide my embarrassment and get to class. She always does this...

I go sit at the back desk and begin to unload my bag. As I'm waiting for the teacher to start the lesson, she walks towards me.

I smile warmly "Good morning Mrs. Neil, how are you?" she smiles. "I'm great Alora, I hope you are well. I've come to ask a favour."

A favour? What could Mrs. Neil possibly want.

"You have the highest grade in my class, you are doing a great job understanding the material." I smile and thank her.

"A student in my class is failing, and in order for him to participate in his after school activities, he needs to pass this class with at least an 80. I was wondering if you could help him, we can give you volunteer hours in exchange."

I thought about it. I mean how hard could it be to tutor somebody for a little bit. Plus I could use the hours.

"Yes of course. Who's the student?"

"Khalil Dixon"



first chapter done!! how was it. to short??
pls let me know!

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