8 | Only You

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I hated seeing her go, but I did love to watch her leave

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I hated seeing her go, but I did love to watch her leave.

Now I'm sitting here alone having to listen to Javon go to work.

I put on my beats and blast music to tune them BOTH out.

While I'm putting on music I see 17 messages from Georgia along with 8 missed calls.

She wont quit.

Even after months of not talking she won't leave a brotha alone bruh.

Every single time I block her number, she gets a new one and finds ways to message me. At this point I don't know what to do. She wont take no for an answer.

This gotta be illegal.

I once again ignore all her messages and silence her contact.

I'm sick of her ass.

I scroll to find Alora's contact and go to message her and make sure she's home safe.

: Me
let me know when your home safe

I'm excited for my study session tomorrow with her. I had such a good time with her today.

I want to spend more time with her, without the two porn stars.

I'm finna ask her out tomorrow. On an official date. I really want to be serious with her. I'm tired of hookups.

I eventually go upstairs and fall asleep on the couch.


My alarm wakes me up the next morning at 7:30.

I get up and rub my eyes.

I scroll through my phone a bit before getting outta bed.

I put on my bonnet and take off my clothes before I hop in the shower.

I like cold showers. It wakes me up and brings me into a clean and relaxed state of mind.

It also helps with soreness from football.

I get out of the shower and brush my teeth and change.

I throw on a white tee and grey nike shorts.

As I walk to the kitchen to grab breakfast, I pull out my phone to text my grandma good morning and that I love her.

She will probably reply around 9 when she wakes up.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to meet a very tired looking Javon.

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