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I wake up and rub my eyes with a groan

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I wake up and rub my eyes with a groan.

I look to my left and Macy is still passed out.

I leave my room to go downstairs and grab her water and an advil because I know she's going to need it.

I walk downstairs and my mom is up and made waffles.

"Good morning. Fun night?" She questions not even looking at me.

I gulp. Oh shit is she mad

"Yea it was okay I guess" I respond while grabbing the advil.

"Yeah you came home pretty late, and didn't bother texting or calling Lo". She sad sadly. I know she was disappointed.

"Yea I know I'm sorry mum it won't happen again. After the game there was this celebration party and Mace wanted to go. I couldn't say no. I promise it won't happen again" I rambled.

She gives me a sad but appreciative smile. I hug her. "It's okay honey, thank you for apologizing. Just don't let it happen again, ok? You know how I worry."

I nod quickly and make my way back upstairs.

"And tell Macy to stop drinking" My mom yells. I laugh to myself and shake my head.

I open my door to see Macy wide awake and texting away on her phone.

I give her the advil and water. "Thanks mom" She says with a smile. I giggle and grab my towel before walking to the bathroom to shower.

After my shower I do my routine and change into my outfit for the day.

I decide to wear black biker shorts and an all black Nike crewneck.

I brush my teeth, do my hair and pick out my jewelry for the day.

When I get back to my room, Macy is dressed in my clothes and giggling at her phone.

"Who got you smiling like that?" I say.

She grins and tells me Javon and her have been texting all morning.

"Alora this man. I can't. He sure knows how to talk, and how to move his hips" I cringe to myself and laugh, "Ew Mace. Gross"

"Uh don't say gross. You were the one making googly eyes at Dixon all night. I might've been occupied but I noticed" she teases. I turn red from
embarrassment and cover my face.

"Shut up Mace, last night I fucked up. I shouldn't of hit your pen. Or flirted back with Khalil".

I explain to her everything that I did and said to Dixon and she bursts out laughing and cheering.

"Mace this isn't funny. I'm in deep shit"

"Lo I know this is new to you but trust me. He's into you, especially from the way your making it sound. It's okay to have a crush on a boy".

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