2 | First impressions

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I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. Of course I wanted to, but I've never really hung around a guy. Especially a guy like him, popular.

Khalil is the star wide receiver of our high schools football team and the best in the city. He's known EVERYWHERE.

I grew up with a pretty strict dad, so me having guy friends wasn't an option.

I was getting to carried away with my thoughts..
I knew I had to tell Macy.

I look back up to meet her eyes. She has a questioning look on her face from my reaction.

"Is that a problem Alora?" She asked.

"No no no Mrs. Neil. It's no problem. When do we start? And does he know about this?"

"Yes he knows he will be getting a tutor. I don't think he knows who yet, but I was hoping you would introduce yourself. After school every other day at 3:00 in the library. Does that sound alright to you?"

I nodded my head in agreement. I had a million thoughts going through my head. What if he thinks I'm weird? Or what if he's a total douchebag like half the guys on the football team. The thought of being that close to him makes me nervous.

"Excellent. Thank you! We will let him know. Your first session is in the library tomorrow. I knew I could count on you."

I half smiled. I quickly thanked her as she walked back to the front of the desk. I quickly got out my phone to send a quick "GUESS WHAT" message to Macy. I know she's going to freak when she hears.


Me : I'm going to be a tutor.

Macy : sounds boring lol.
who are you going to tutor???

Me : Khalil Dixon.......

Macy : uhm WHAT?!?!
tell me more later.

Me: Okok

I put my phone away and tuned into the lesson. I am a little more excited for the football game now...


School went by slowly and was finally over. I walk to my locker to get my homework textbook before I leave.

As I'm making my way through the halls I see him. He is with his teammates all talking and laughing together.

And holy shit he's hot.

He's huge, at least 6'4. Smooth dark-skin and a very lean, muscular build. His dimply smile is so pretty peaking through his dreads.

As I'm admiring him from afar he looks up and we lock eyes.

I freeze. His dark brown eyes keep eye contact with mine as his smirk grows. I feel blush creep to my cheeks and immediately look down and hurry down the hallway.

I quickly get in my car throwing my bag in the passenger seat and starting it. I take a deep breathe and pull out to head home while my heart races.

Get yourself together. Looking at each other doesn't mean shit. But the feeling of his eyes on me sent tingles through my body. I couldn't get it out of my head.

The things I'd do... Fuck I need to stop hanging out with Macy.


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