5 | Set Up

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I woke up this morning eager for the day

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I woke up this morning eager for the day.

I felt butterflies fill my stomach as I thought about yesterday... But not the nervous kind, the excited kind.

I don't know why.

After my session with Khalil, I've been thinking about him non-stop.

The way he smiled at me or made jokes about how much of a nerd I was. It brought a smile to my face just thinking about tomorrow.

Alora you're thinking to much into this.
Your only his tutor.

"Lo come eat before your food gets cold"

My moms voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I gathered my towel and clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom.

I ran the water and waited for it to get warm.

As I waited I began to undress myself, and my mind kept wandering back to Khalil.

His deep brown eyes, his contagious smile, the way he laughed or looked at me.


I need to stop. I tutored him once. Ugh.


After my shower I did my self care routine and got changed. My outfit for today was olive cargo pants and a tight white crop tee.

I left my hair down and curly.

"Alora, I am leaving babe. Come give me a kiss goodbye" I hear my mom call from downstairs.

I rush downstairs to hug and kiss her goodbye.

"Thank you for breakfast mom" I expressed.

"You're welcome sweetheart, I should be home around 7 today, I'll bring back dinner. Text me what you want" She gave me a big hug and kiss on the forehead. "I love you Lo, see you"

"Love you mum".

She left and I ate breakfast. While I ate I heard my phone ping.

My heart skipped a beat.... Ugh Macy.

Macy : BITCH

Yes Mace  : Me

Macy : Guess who wants to hang out with me. I'll give u a hint. Tall, dark and handsome ;)) 

Micheal B. Jordan??? : Me

Macy : Haha... u think ur funny?? hurry up and get to school. I'll fill you in.

I left her on seen and laughed. I love annoying her.

I finish breakfast and put my dishes away. I quickly go upstairs to brush my teeth and put on perfume before leaving.

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