7 | Heating up

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The kiss felt so right

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The kiss felt so right.

Her aura captivated me.

Her lips were plump and soft. The kiss devoured me, captivating me.

She tasted like watermelon and cherries.

Her light brown skin was smooth. And her hair was long and sat so perfectly right above her chest.

The look in her eye was so innocent but desperate.

I wanted more.

Her fingers dug into my hair and I pulled her closer. I wanted to feel her against me.

I glided both of my hands down to her hips digging my fingers into them.

She moaned softly and I knew she liked it.

I was getting more and more turned on but then I heard the door open followed by Macy's giggles. I instantly moved away.

I'm not tryna get caught. That would be hella awkward and I knew Macy would trip out.

As I pulled away I couldn't help but smile at Alora.

I leaned back on the couch and adjusted myself, while she did the same.

We soon began to eat and just talk to each other.

Not gon lie, it was better than I thought it'd be.

The four of us just chillin was lowkey a vibe.

We'd talk about everything, school, sports, future plans, society, conspiracies. Sometimes we would laugh at Alora for her shit jokes. They were so bad that it made them funnier.

I thought it was cute though.


Eventually we decided to watch a movie.

By now it was around 8:35.

We decided to watch Deadpool.

Javon and Macy were on the other side of the couch cuddling. I was leanin back on the couch with Alora.

We weren't cuddling or nun, but I had my hand on her thigh. She just sat there and played with my hand.

I thought it was cute, I liked it. She'd giggle every time I'd squeeze her finger.

I loved her laugh.


Towards the end of the movie I look over and see Javon grab Macy's hand and lead her too his room.

I mean he did say he gettin dat tonight. Good job bro.

Alora shifted on the couch. I could tell the sudden abandonment of Macy made her nervous. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

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