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"If you need me, call me. I don't care if I'm sleeping, if I'm having my own problems or if I'm angry at you. If you need me and if you need to talk to me, I'll always be there for you. No matter how big or how small the problem is, I'll be there."

-Zachary Tyler

Zachary's P.O.V

In everyone's eyes, she was seen as a weak, helpless girl.

A girl with a heart that was so pure and fragile, that it could shatter into a million damaged pieces in a matter of seconds and never be fixed again.

A girl who was hurting deeply inside but carried her best smile to let the world know that she was okay, when in fact. . .

She wasn't.

But in my eyes, she was seen as a strong girl who gave hope to every lost soul, giving everything she had to make the world a better place.

I saw her as the girl with the perfect heart, no matter how pure and priceless it was.

Everyone knew that Madeline's heart was made of nothing but pure gold, something that was so rare yet so beautiful.

Ever since she left school, I never stepped foot through the halls of Eastview High ever again.

Without Madeline Meredith Peyton, nothing was ever the same.

It wasn't a surprise when prom was the only thing that came out of everyone's mouth, considering the fact that it was the night when you would see your precious person in the brightest light.

But Madeline was always beautiful in my eyes.

If she still had the ability to walk, talk and manage herself fairly. . .

Then I could surely promise her that she would have the best night of her life, going to sleep thinking:

Who knew this was possible?


"Do you have any necklaces with the letter 'Z' on it?" I asked, letting my eyes wander over the extravagant pieces of jewelry that rested in the glass case.

The blonde-haired girl leaned over the counter seductively, letting off a flirtatious vibe that already told me that this was going to be a long day.

"I can hook you up with one that has an 'A' on it so that you could wear it all the time," She said, trailing her fingers across my chest.

"I need a diamond necklace with my first initial so that I can give it to my girlfriend for prom," I said, emphasizing the word girlfriend so that it would get through to her tough skull.

She huffed in response and pulled out a small, silver box that was wrapped delicately with a black, silk ribbon. She shoved it towards me and walked away, leaving behind the trail of diamonds that would cost a fortune.

That was a pretty smart business move, maybe I should try that someday.

I flipped the piece of paper over and glanced at the price tag, already knowing that Madeline was worth every penny.

Ten thousand, five hundred and fifty-two dollars.

I cautiously picked up the chain and examined it carefully, noting the number of diamonds that glimmered in the glistening light. Specks of the green emeralds littered the 'Z' and immediately reminded me of my mother's birthstone that she loved dearly.

I picked up the box and walked past the blonde-haired girl, glaring at her for thinking that she could steal my heart from Madeline.


I knocked on her front door with the usual knocking-pattern that I always performed when I came over. I balanced the bundle of flowers that was a combination of Madeline's favorites and adjusted my black bow-tie.

I stood patiently at her front door, understanding that it was getting more and more difficult for her to move around, knowing her state and condition.

The cherry-wood door finally swung open, revealing a pale Madeline with the brightest smile on her face when her favorite flowers came into view.

"Your favorites," I whispered, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on her cheek.

A faint shade of red crept upon her cheeks and she accepted the bundle, inhaling the mixture of sweet scents from the flowers.

She coughed in her sleeve and smiled,"Why are you dressed in a tuxedo and why did you bring me flowers?"

"Can't a guy surprise the love of his life?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Zachary you never wear tuxedos, you hate them," She stated matter of factly.

I chuckled lightly and intertwined my fingers with her own,"I'm glad that you know me like the back of your hand."

I steadied myself and got down on one knee, pulling out the small box from my pocket. I looked up at her through the messy dark-brown strands of my quiff and smirked.

"Zachary, you can't propose to me when I won't be able to walk down the aisle," She whispered, already getting teary-eyed.

I shook my head rapidly and died a little inside.

It sucked knowing that I wouldn't be able to marry the girl of my dreams.

I unwrapped the black ribbon and opened the parcel,"Will you go to prom with me?"

Her eyes widened out of excitement and she wrapped her arms around my neck, "As long as I can stand up for a few seconds, I wouldn't miss going to prom with you for the world."

She pulled back and turned around while I picked up the necklace from the box. I un-clipped the chain and placed it around her neck, securing it carefully.

She turned back around speechless, not knowing what to say or do while she stared into my eyes deeply, letting every emotion make itself known.

I could see everything in her eyes.

I could read exactly how she felt and how she was scared about everything that was happening and what was in store for the future.

I promised her that I would fight the sharks in the ocean for her, even if that meant me getting killed.

So you know what? I'll fight away her fears for her too.

And sometimes a kiss that has the power to mend a broken heart, will do the job.


And just to clarify things, Madeline is not Zachary's girlfriend even though he told blondie that :)

SoO, now that that's all cleared up. . .

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I need a ship name for them *_*

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