Chapter Five

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      His voice was smooth and warm, even from a distance I could tell by his shadow he was well over 6 feet tall and the fit of his tailored sit suggested a toned physique. He approached me calmly with an abused grin as he noticed my cheeks flushing bright red. We stood there in the silence, looking out at the beautiful view. No words were said but I felt myself draw closer to this mysterious man. I didn't understand why this man affected me, even though I felt nothing for my mate anymore we were still complete strangers.
            I stole quick glances from time to time, his face looked so serene as he looked out at the expansive scenery. The view was spectacular. Lush vibrant forests and mountains painted in the colors of night with random body's of water glistening under the full moon. I wanted to see these things everyday, experience them. From the looks of it we shared that dream. I went to speak when Nikolai appeared distancing us.
             "Luna, the elders have gathered. Come along." His tone was agitated, I couldn't tell if it was with me or the stranger. I followed him to a secluded pocket amongst the crowd. We watched the same ceremonial display and listened to the same speech of brotherhood. I tuned it out until Nikolai's voice whispered in my ear, his warm breath breezing by my ear. "You're better than to be fooled again my Luna."
              I ordered back at him, his face scrunched up in a mix of emotions. I responded coldly, "You should do your duty and protect your alpha, I'm not your concern."
          "You'll always be my Luna." He whispered rather sadly. I would miss him, he was the closest thing I had to a friend in my years with Victor but we weren't close enough to let go of my dream. I continued to stand still until he faded into the crowd. I wish I could say I was relieved but soon it was Victor pressed against me, his breath hot on my neck as he growled into me. It tingled and felt warm but I knew that I was in for a world of hurt. My years of coping started to kick in as I froze at the feel of his canines placed tenderly on my neck. How mind link felt murderous as he held me to him.
          Don't get any ideas, Luna. What you've done already is enough to warrant punishment. Now. Be good. Stay quiet. And I may show leniency.
              I suffered as he barely pierced flesh. A warning as he released me and disappeared back to Natalia's side. I trembled, trying hard to get my composure back. This man would torture me for the rest of my life until my spirit was broken and I was obedient. It had to be tonight, tonight was the night I had to escape.
            At the conclusion of the ceremony music brought life into the hall, couples danced and singles say on the sides. I sat distanced from the crowd with Nickolai as my guard while Victor twirled his lover around the dance floor. My blood boiled watching them but I was still shaken by his threat. I needed them to see this wasn't my imagination, that he was an abusive mate. I had to be free from him tonight.
           I could feel Nikolai's regretful eyes. "I'm sorry Luna."
                I glared at him. "You did your duty. Victor is lucky to have such a fiercely loyal dog.”
           Nikolai let out a low snarl. Wolves were proud and thought themselves individual and cooperating for the greater good of the collective. It was partially truth but the weak could only submit. Those who got the glory to stand by the alpha also had the curse to serve like a dog to it's master. Luna's and Alphas were suppose to be equal in everyone's eyes though. I was suppose to have the same respect. The same chances to be myself. I could feel something radiating, some dormant power spreading through me like electricity. The more I felt wrong the stronger the sensation until I felt a great moment of clarity. I stood from my chair and went to find the hair eyed man. Nikolai grabbed my wrist but when I looked at him with my newly found confidence and he quickly released me. "F-forgive me Luna."
              I looked at him, "Don't call me Luna." I walked away and found who I was looking for easily, so easily I felt like he was looking for me to.
          He looked into my eyes, "looks like you've had an epiphany." He touched my face, he showed to be bold and straightforward. I didn't hate it though, his warmth sent a single tingle down my spine.
        I could feel the seeds of desire grow but I was faithful to the bond. I wouldn't pursue someone intimately before I broke the shackles that bound me. I slowly stepped away with a light smile. "Yeah, I did."
             We looked out at world again. The man stared out like a captain looking at his sea, he was an adventurer by nature. Nature was his everything. "It's a vast place you know, so many things to see and do that even with our long life spans we couldn't hope to do them all."
            I thought back to my entire life, smirking as the good and bad played over. "Yeah, it's good to live each day like the last day."
                   He looked at me with a serious expression. "Do you live like that?"
              I looked down. When did I last feel alive? I looked at the dancing crowd. Despite his possessive that Victor hadn't even noticed my absence. His life moved on rather I was here or there in my chair. However my life felt like it stopped with every lonely night I had. Every date night missed for "work". Every time he acted like I didn't even exist. Now that I felt a taste of life again I couldn't go back. I looked at the strange man and offered my hand. "Let's dance."
            He took my hand and we goofed or into the floor. It felt so beautiful and strange as the world melted away, it was just me, him and the music.
        If this dream like feeling was what Victor felt with Natalia I could almost understand him. I felt my anxious mind rest and the thoughts that assumed me faded into nothing as we danced in sync. I had lost myself to the moment I forgot about Victor until he grabbed my wrist and ripped us apart.
           "Who the fuck do you think you are dancing with MY Luna" Victor had never been so unhinged, I felt like my wrist would shatter in his grasp. I fought back years trying to remain still so he didn't squeeze anymore.
       The man looked at Victor, his eyes fierce as he noticed my wincing. "Unhand her." His voice was calm but there was a murderous under tone.
         Victor tossed me into Nikolai who held me close as he inspected my wrist. Everyone had cleared the area and became intrigued. Victor hadn't even realized what he was doing, he was blind with a strange possessive rage. Never had I seen him like this. No matter how possessive he had been his image was everything but now he risked the elders wrath by disturbing the Gala.
        " He does love you." Nikolai said tensely. He knew it didn't make sense. Love wasn't suppose to be pain, neglect and betrayal. It wasn't suppose to be perfect but it wasn't about possession.
         Victor snarled as he shifted, he was a deep solid brown with a massive size. Despite his large intimidating stature the man want the slightest phase. There was something intimidating with just his mere presence. It was clear he was a true alpha.
      Before things could escalate the two elders appeared. To diffuse the situation the plump man sent out a calming wave of energy. The wolf shifted into a mountain of a man with long wild hair and eyes as cold as steel.
             The wild man looked at the two and scoffed. His voice fierce, " what the hell do you think you're doing here?!"
         Victor flinched as he shifted back. "H-he tried to take my mate."
               The stranger stood perfectly still even as the elder stood inches from his face in a matter of seconds. "Who are you?" The elder asked curiously.
          The stranger smiled. "My name is  Davion Grey. The alpha of the Shadow Moon pack." Everyone was shocked. The Shadow Moon Pack was thought to be a myth, their alpha was rumored to be a demon in disguise as a wolf. Even the elder was surprised.
            "The Shadow Moon tend not to attend, why have you come now?"
        He looked at me with a smile. "Just chasing life."
      The elder looked at me. "Seraphina. Come here."
             I approached calmly. "Yes elder." I glanced at Victor, his eyes pleading me too take his side. I held my wrist as I approached.
          "Give me your hand." The elder had a gift of insight. He could see what happened with a single touch. I let out a slow breath and offered my hand. Victor tried to interfere but the guards were quick. The elder scowled, his anger clear as he looked at Victor. "Seems not everyone values the sacred laws of our kind. This Alpha" he said as he pointed in disgust at Victor, "not only betrayed his fated mate and impregnated his mistress but he also locked her away, restricted her line a possession and not a wolf. It's been hundreds of years since I've seen such deplorable deeds done to ones own mate. You should be ashamed." Everyone muttered amongst themselves, no one could believe what I had gone through. The elder silenced the room and turned to me.  What would you like as compensation."
           It was clear. "Freedom."
       He smiled. "As you wish."

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