Chapter Thirteen

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        I woke up with Anya shaking me. "Sera! Sera!" She shook me more vigorously and I joined awake. The indention of Davion was cold and faded, he had left a long time ago. I looked at Anya who was covered in concerned. "Wake up!"
          I rubbed my weary eyes, "Anya? W-what's going on? Where's Davion?" Anya looked at me with tears in her eyes.
        "You crazy woman!! It's dangerous out here! You've been asleep for three days!!" She started crying. "W-we couldn't find you!!"
       I felt heavy as I sat up. It must have been true but why didn't Davion tell anyone where I was? Looking at Anya's crying face I was pained with guilt. I pulled her close and patted her back. I don't know when we got so close but she felt like a sister to me now. "I'm so sorry Anya, it's my fault." She calmed down and growled softly.
           "That bastard! How could he leave you out here?! He didn't even say anything before he left! He just left a note telling us to go north. Who does he think he is?! Just cause he's an alpha ugh. Alphas." She looked at me curiously, " maybe not ALL alphas would be bad."
          I laughed, "I'm no alpha."
     "Wellll technically as a rogue you can be anything and you do have the energy of an alpha. If you wouldn't mind... Maybe we could... You know..." She fiddled with her hands nervously. I knew her thoughts, without making her official we had synced to some degree. She never had a good pack. She was thought to be useless for her size and Brock for his simple mindset. I called for them but I wasn't sure I was their best choice though. I was just a rogue Luna.
          I wanted to reject the idea completely but the hopeful glitter in her eyes made me falter. "We can talk about it later."
              She wasn't thrilled but she understood. "Right. We have a mission."
         Being in a real pack was a boost for a wolf, it was a boost mentally and physically. I remember feeling secure in the Moonstone Pack, safe and secure. A rogue was a lonely existence. I looked to the gate of the city thoughtfully. I could see why they all funnelled here, even if it wasn't wide spread a sense of community gave them the mental peace of not being entirely alone. Those who couldn't find their peace turned feral. An irreversible mental drain would fall on them and they would relinquish themselves to the dark nature of the beast, Anya had Brock but I knew she craved more. Even if she didn't say it she wanted a family.
        I stood up and looked at them with a smile. If we made it through the coming war, I'd be their alpha. We could travel as my mother's pack did. I remembered my aunt as we started to walk towards the Northern mountains. My heart was torn to stay longer or finish my mission. I was out at ease at hawk appeared at the gate with a pink box wrapped with golden twine and a note from my aunt:

            Do what you need honey bell. I'll be here for you.
                          ~love auntie.
           P.s. good job on that second catch, he's a good one.

      I laughed as small tears fell. It felt so good to see her and know she always thought of me. I smoked as I opened it to my mother's sweet cinnamon sugar cookie crisps. A sweet extra crispy cookie my mother made accidentally once and everyone loved them. Such a trivial thing to some was an emotional bond for others. I offered him a cookie and set off determined to return quickly.

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