Chapter Fifteen

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       The next day was full of nervous and eager feelings. Anya remained quiet and Brick remained the same though he did give me a hug for the first time. Looking back at them I almost dated not leave but as Derrick commanded the guards to part I leapt at the chance. I shifted to blend into the snow better, my eyes focused on the steep climb.
             It felt refreshing under my paws, the snow was new to me the further I walked the more I lost myself in cold beauty of it. Further up it seemed to snow endlessly but I didn't mind as I pranced excitedly about until I could feel eyes on me.
          I could feel someone's energy radiating into my paws, menacing energy.
        I readied myself for an attack but what was one energy multiplied to six. Their aura full of malice though the blizzard cloaked them physically. I growled as I couldn't show fear. But I was out matched.
             They came at me, at first it was easy to dodge as I felt their energy but as they got faster and moved more precisely the more I knew I was done for. I couldn't flee, I couldn't fight. My desired freedom would end in a blizzarding wasteland. The more the thoughts piled on the more I surrendered. They threw me around, I still didn't see them properly. I felt all my regrets flow into my mind and as I laid there helpless I thought, why had I been so foolish? Why couldn't I listen to Anya? Then memories flooded me, deeper memories. The memories of my mother. The meiosis of my only friend Nikolai. Memories of freedom. Memories of meeting Anya and Brock. Making friends along my way. The memories of Anya and Brock gave me new strength. I had something to live for. I had people waiting for me.
           I let the memories feed into my beastial energy. It was warm. As it flooded my veins every bruise and broke bone faded away. I felt myself radiate as I connected with them, commanding them with my own energy. They weren't mine but they dare not fight me. They led me to their village. Everyone looked on on astonishment. Man and beast were amazed as I walked with my head high, I felt twice my size and invincible. Until something hit me. It felt a kin to my own dormant energy but stronger. I was in awe as I laid eyes on a creature of legend.
             An alpha King.

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