Chapter Eight

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           He smiled as he looked into my eyes.  "You're right. You'll come to me if you want, your decisions are your own. " He pulled my right hand to his lips and kissed it softly as he whispered "mate" causing me to jumped back startled. He seemed amused for a moment and then became serious as he looked at the pair behind me.  "Anya. You little minx."
                 She smiled confidently though I could tell she was trembling.  "Davion" she clutched her mates arm tightly though she tried to appear undisturbed.  Davion's beta growled as he set his eyes on her causing her to flinch. He looked like he'd kill her on the spot.
             "I figured you'd hide here, I was afraid some rogue had gotten to you." He sounded cold and murderous, like a crime boss.
               She was speechless as he started walking towards her, I wasn't sure why but I felt a desire to protect her. I grabbed his arm and found his beta sprinting towards them. I sent a wave of energy to unbalance him and put myself between them. "Explain." I said ready to fight.
                      Davion signed,  "I wouldn't get involved Sera, it's not worth it.  It's personal. "
              I looked at Anya who was ready to crumble at any moment and in a flash I mistook her for my old self.  I growled softly. "Now it's my business. "
                     Davion's beta snarled.  "Stay out of it!" His murderous eyes told me everything I needed to know.
             "Let her go." He looked at me shocked. "Let her go, letting go is the only way you'll find peace. "
                      "What do you know?! You rejected your mate! You females are all the same!! Cruel. Disgusting creatures. " He trembled as he tried desperately to hide his tears.
              I felt my face grow dark as the years of trauma flooded my brain.  Before I knew it I had kicked him into a tree hard enough to snap it clean in half. I hadn't meant to, my body just moved on its own. I didn't regret it though. I turned to Davion who was surprised by the sudden violence.  "Your business here is done."
                       "Fierce" He looked to where his beta was launched,  "more than I expected. However. My business remains,  there's something I need to do."
                 "I won't let you hurt her."
                        "I didn't plan on it. I needed her help. "
             Anya looked genuinely surprised,  "my help?!"
                 "Yes, your help.  It was the least you could do after nearly killing Jack." She cringed at his harsh words,  I could see how much rejecting her true mate hurt her but seeing Jack's staid and murderous behavior there was no surprise on why either. He signed,  "you can see the Ferals are getting smarter and bolder.  They are grouping up and attacking other packs."
                    "That's not new, ferals attack everyone. "
            "You're correct Sera but this is different. This is strategic. They are being led by someone. Who they are and their intentions are all unclear. What is clear is this is a direct attack on our kind." Everyone could feel the gravity of the situation as we glanced at each other.
                 I just wanted to live a carefree life but my sense of honor couldn't ignore an attack on my kind,  despite what I went through I held no more animosity for anyone.  "What can I do? "
           He smiled and patted my head,  "You're not trained in combat but in light of what I've seen, I can mold you into a warrior." He turned to Anya who was contemplating the possibility of war. "I need you're tracker. " She scrunched her face at him and looked to her massive mate who stood eerily silent.
                 She ran through the periods and cons in her head but she reluctantly released her hand from the man.  "Go with them. I'll be ok, I promise. " She was teary eyes which made him hesitant to leave her side but I put a friendly hand on her shoulder.
                    "I'll take care of her big guy, I promise." He nodded as he walked with Davion and his beta Jack who was recovering from the blow. I don't know why but my heart ached to watch them leave. I turned to Anya who was shaking in my hands,  "It'll be ok, I won't leave you until he gets back. " She cried her heart out as I held her.  She looked unbreakable when fighting but now she was small and fragile.

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