Chapter Seven - volume 2

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              We journeyed a week before we ran into a small settlement, they were a pack of rogues. My rogues. We had found Nikolai and the others who had departed from Silver Fang. I was so excited to see Nikolai I forgotten all about my troubles. He welcomed us to their camp, he told us of the inner turmoil and how he had to leave before he watched the complete decimation of the pack. He was genuinely pleased when I told him about its fast track for revival. I could tell how much he loved his pack, more than just his duty as a beta. I patted his back gently as he let his soft side show.

                                After a while I got to talking about Davion, I shared everything with him hoping to get the male perspective. He absorbed it all and thought long on it before speaking, “You shouldn’t accept him. He’s obviously unhappy you’re completely independent.  He has possessive qualities that boarder toxic.” Nikolai was an honest and blunt kind of guy. If I hadn’t watched him shed tears of joy for his pack’s revival I would assume he lacked anything beyond apathy and occasional joy. I smiled as I watched everyone getting along. I couldn’t bear to ask them to join my pack, it was new and going to the front lines. It wasn’t an appealing offer for anyone. However, without me saying anything Nikolai could always read a situation. “We’ll join. We’d be happy to be a pack again, if you’ll have us.”

                       I looked at him with a smile, “I am in the market for a quality Beta, better a friend than a stranger.” I looked at him hoping to see a joyous expression, instead he looked at me sadly.

            “I was a poor beta. I couldn’t protect my Luna. I couldn’t save my pack.”

                       “What happened to Silver Fang was beyond your capabilities. I hold no animosity towards you but I do offer advice, don’t follow someone blindly because they are your alpha. Rather it’s me or Victor or anyone else. Follow what you feel is right.” He nodded, he knew it deep down already and paid his price for blind loyalty. “So, will you be my beta?”

                               He smiled happily, “I pledge myself to my one true alpha, Seraphina Nightly. I will follow you to my last breathe, my solemn oath.” It felt night to hear it. He never had to pledge to Victor as he was prechosen to be the beta.

                    I gathered everyone, “I am an official alpha. I have two things to say. Firstly. Silver Fang is rebuilding itself, Natalia has been stripped of her power and Victor had full control of the situation. Secondly. There’s a war coming to our homelands. My Moonlight Pack will join the front lines. There are options for you all. You can rejoin Silver Fang and help them rebuild. You can remain as you are now. Or. You can join my pack. The choices are yours alone. Know this though, Nikolai has pledged himself to me as my beta.” The crowd murmured. Some wanted to stay, some wanted to go. Those that wanted to go had to decide to follow me or return home. In the end only 1/3 stayed with me but it was happy to watch the majority return to their homeland. Those that stayed vowed to protect the lands before they moved on to find their true place. It was heartwarming to see.
        As we traveled further I felt weaker. I couldn't tell if it was stress induced but I knew I couldn't worry my pack before we got to Derrick's. I had to remain strong for my pack. It was a struggle but I managed to make it to Derrick's pack in the northern forests. It was crowded with my pack members but they remained hospitable all the same.
          "Thank you derrick, truly. I'm so pleased to see everyone well."
        He laughed his jolly laugh, "Anytime! You've got a good bunch I say. I tried to recruit a few talents but they feel indebted to you. A loyal bunch."
         It felt good to be loved and appreciated. I smiled happily as they swarmed me all with eager eyes. I marked them all, one by one. All fifty. I couldn't deny I felt dizzy afterwards but luckily they didn't notice in their celebrations so I slipped away to catch my breath.
               "You're pregnant." Erik said nonchalantly as he crept from the shadows. He wasn't sure how to feel given the situation we were all in.
           I laughed nervously, "There's no way....h-how can you tell?"
                  "I was beta for my promising medical skills. I'm a born healer, I can see your symptoms and feel it's energy." He stepped closer, "I'd say you're about five weeks in. You have two more months."
           I was stunned. How could this happen?! Now if all times! And head began to ache. "Tell no one for the time being, I need to rest."
                   "As you wish alpha."
          I trudged to my chambers. I felt so miserable as my body tried to shut down from all the stress. My poor child. I touched my belly. "How can I raise you in a war? What about your father..." Davion hadn't spoken for two weeks since the incident at the castle. I also couldn't shift anymore now that I knew, siding was dangerous to an unborn fetus, it was a miracle I hadn't lost my child due to neglect. My first steps would be to nurture my child and start the settlement. I wasn't sure if I'd keep it close or hide my child away for the war but I knew despite it's surprise appearance I'd love it.
              "Would you love it more than me?" Davion's cold voice echoed from the shadows, his presence was bone chilling and suffocating as he slid from his shadowy cover. His eyes stern as he glared at me, "Hello, alpha."

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