Chapter Six

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         The room was deadly silent. Freedom would mean to break the bond that tied me to Victor and leave me without a pack. I would be a rogue. Many rogues lived their lives mind their own business but they carried a stigma that made those in packs fear and despise them. I knew it and did not fear a solitary life. The elder saw my determination and accepted my wish. He raised his hand and a ring of blue light circled around me and Victor. 
                  "Breaking the bond is a serious blow to both parties.  There is a chance one of you may lose your minds from the shock. Normally I would suggest counselling before being this extreme but I can see your desperation young she-wolf."
           Victor looking at me with teary eyes, it had finally hit him.  This was the consequence of the pain he brought on me and his own ego. He was used to being the top dog.  He made the connections.  He held the title. No one had ever forced him to face consequences of his behavior and now it would hit him all at once.
         He tried to plea, beg me for another chance but I heard nothing as I watched the elder manifest the tie between us.  It was small and insignificant. Like a piece of old thread. Both Elders chanted something ancient and I felt a sudden, tight tug at my chest.
       Victor looked at me again as he gripped his chest.  "I was wrong! OK! I-I'll do better..."
                I felt tears fall down my cheeks. They were heavy and blinding in the light as I saw him. My mate. Looking pathetic and vulnerable. When I reached out on instinct I saw my bruised aching wrist. I grit my teeth as I pulled back and looked at him.  "I, Seraphina Nightly of the Moonstone nomads, reject you, Victor Stone, as my mate. I also release my ties with with the Silver Fang Pack."
            I felt a sharp snap like a guitar string and thought it was over when a sudden pain hit me in my chest.  It was the worst pain ever as my entire body burned and froze all at the same time.  It was like being electrocuted just on the edge of death.  I couldn't breath or move. I managed to look over and see Victor laying terrifyingly still. The pain too much for him. I soon recovered, my head slowly feeling lighter as my breathing eased. Davion helped me up while Nikolai tended to Victor. Nikolai looked at me with pained eyes.  He lost his Luna and his alpha was laid out on the ground suffering a pain everyone in the pack could feel. Except Natalia. She was completely unaffected. I smirked a bit, Victor found a rogue Omega to piss me off with. I shrouded it off.  His matters no longer meant anything to me. I looked at the elders who nodded in reply.
                "This concludes the Gala. Everyone return to your homes. May this have been a lesson to all. We honor the Goddess, we don't mock the gifts she gives." The wild one said before shifting into his wolf form.
            Everyone dispersed quickly, only the few remained.ò  The cheery alpha approached me. "This is a bit unorthodox but would you like to stay here for a while?"
                    I smiled softly. I appreciated their concern but I wanted to roam, to run away from this night. "Thank you, I really appreciate your kindness but I think it's better if I leave." They nodded in approval though they follow us out, keeping me close. Seeing Victor recovered, the emptiness in them should have affected me more but as I felt that silvery moonlight on my face and breathed in the crisp winter air everything else faded away.
             I shifted for the first time in front of people,  Nikolai was stunned as I stood tall as an alpha.  I could feel it too. This inner strength was all my own. I let it flitter of my like a light blue glittery shine and ran through the castle gardens feeling liberated. I raced around carefree, so much I almost hadn't noticed Davion had shifted and ran beside me. I let out a soft breath of approval as we ran together through the winter night.
                        I had no destination in mind but Davion seemed to have a plan as he guided me through the woods and through a quiet creek, soon he stopped at a mountain cliff that over looked all the territories.  Even the castle could be seen in the distance. I sat there in awe. This view was mine whenever I wanted.  The trees.  The waters.  The meadows.  I could see them whenever I desired.  I let out a bellowing howl, it was loud enough I could it shake through the trees.  I laid down satisfied.
                 Davion laid beside me looking out at the view. Those deep make eyes drinking everything they could in.  I wondered if this was how he lived. The rumors of the Shadow Moon Pack seemed to wrong,  I doubted a cold blooded killer would find so much solace in the purity of nature. I couldn't trust first looks though. I would deal with what may come, when it came. For now I wanted to enjoy the moment and let it consume my every thought. Every sound. Every smell. Even the taste of the air. I let it consume me until I feel into a peace filled slumber. I dreamt of a field of shimmering white dandelions, the sky was clear and warm and there was a stiff breeze. The sounds of playful scampering ring in my ears and a sensual voice caked out to my,  "My love". It was a dream I wish I could have lived in forever.

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