The High.

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He shoots up and runs around the table to help you up

"Are you okay...?! Fuck I'm so sorry"
he says worryingly holding your arm gently helping you to your feet

"I'm fine...!"
You replied back sternly, taking your arm back brushing yourself off

"What the hell are you doing creeping up on people!"
You said, sounding kinda Pissed but more annoyed than anything.

"I- I thought you saw me come around the corner but, I guess not"
he smiled at you which made you smile back looking at the ground

"I'm really sorry again..."
He said nervously, trying to think of your name while rubbing his head.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you at Hawkins before"

You thought this would be the PERFECT time to get him back for scaring you like that...

You look up and put a fake Pissed off kind of look on your face
"...It's Y/N and I've been at Hawkins the same amount of time as you"

His eyes got wide and drops his hand from his head to his mouth

"Oh fuck..! Yeah urm of course! Shit I know you"
He tries to play it cool but you can't help but laugh

You burst out taking a seat back on the bench

"..W-whats so funny?"
He looks around to see if anyone else was there and rubs the back of his neck before taking a seat facing you

"My first day at Hawkins was today"
You smiled at him
"But I've been in town for 5 days"

He shook his head and a smile crept across his face

"Oh that's just meeeean Y/N ! I don't feel bad scaring you at all now"
He said laughing then flashing you a smile.

"Oh that's just meeeean Y/N ! I don't feel bad scaring you at all now"He said laughing then flashing you a smile

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"So, you know my name but I don't know yours..."
You say pulling out your lighter

"Ahh a first! "
He shouted out
"Someone doesn't know my name. I'm Eddie...or the freak as everyone else says"
His face dropped and he looked down at his hands fiddling with the many rings he was wearing

You notice his body language and with a quick reply
"Nice to meet you,Eddie..."
You say sweetly, holding your hand out

He looks up surprised you didn't call him a freak, he smiles, and shakes your hand gently

"And you, Y/N"
He replied, gently rubbing his thumb on the side of your hand before letting go

"Do you mind if I..."
You ask gesturing your still unlit cigarette

"Oh..! No not at all, by all means light her up"
He laughs

You light your first cigarette of the day and take your first puff putting your head back slightly blowing out the smoke sighing in relief, At this moment you had no idea Eddie was looking at you in a type of trance,his eyes locked onto you.

MY freak...Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now