(2)The king of making a scene

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You add, he looks up at Dustin again and throws a fry at him getting him right in the corner of his eye making dustin flinch before call him a
Eddie said, before turning to you and smiling

You add, he looks up at Dustin again and throws a fry at him getting him right in the corner of his eye making dustin flinch before call him a"Bitch" Eddie said, before turning to you and smiling

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"Well, darling. I wanted to make it special but thanks to DustiN over here, 
I have to now make a scene"
He said while  smirking
You smile still confused
"What is it Eddie? "
You ask adjusting yourself on the seat, Eddie winks before jumping up onto the table, oh God yeah he was known for his random scene outbursts at school

"HEEEEY, HELLOOOOO EVERYBODY, YOUWHOOO,. I have an announcement to make"
He said waving his arms about making the cafetiere dead silent, you looked around at people facing the Hellfire table.
Gosh you hated when people stared.

"...Eddie,  Eddie! "
You shout whisper trying to get his attention, it doesn't work
"As we alllll know, winter ball is 3 days awayyyy"
He said,walking to the end of the table before spinning around and walking back up, everybody's eyes still on the table,
"And, I wanted to ask a very special person,something"
He smiled at his feet 
"Spit it out, FREAK!"
One of the basketball guys shouted making people laugh, Eddie turned to them and made his iconic devil horns, tongue out pose,

Eddie,  Eddie! "You shout whisper trying to get his attention, it doesn't work"As we alllll know, winter ball is 3 days awayyyy" He said,walking to the end of the table before spinning around and walking back up, everybody's eyes still on the tabl...

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you giggled under your breath before he kneeled down in front of you
(He was still standing ontop of the table)

"y/n, sweetheart"
Your heart began to flutter and heat rushes to your cheeks
"Will you go to the winter ball with me...?" .
He asks looking you in the eyes nervously, a big smile crept across your face
"Yes...YES! Of course Eddie I'll go with you!" 
You said standing up, Eddie jumped down off the table and wrapped his arms around you spinning you around, people cheered and clapped for us, surprisingly. 

Finally updated this book! I'm sorry it's been awhile😅 I've been focusing on my other book,
"Best friends, and THAT'S all"
Another Eddie fic but a smutty one😌😏

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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MY freak...Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now