03 - Realization

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I have been going back and forth from the alleyway for about a week now.

The best solution I have right now is to go to the same alleyway and try to get the portal to open.

I put on my suit and made my way to the alleyway again.

Last week I came to a realization that I hadn't been swinging around for 3 months.

3 months ago I ran out of web fluid, right?

At least that's what I hoped.

I landed in the alleyway. Nothing was there. No portal.

I started doing random things to get a portal to open.

I'm so tired of waiting for it to open.

"Open you stupid portal!" I yelled

I swear I saw some sparks, it's either that or I'm starting to hallucinate.

"Uh...open sesame?"

That's when something incredible happened.

A portal...opened.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I look through the portal the see a weird looking place, kinda seemed like mars. I also see some other dude with a cape.

I didn't hesitate and I jumped in.

"Hands up!" This random guy said, he held a gun at me.

I put my hands up in surrender. "No no I'm not a bad guy!" I yelled back, hoping he doesn't shoot me.

Two others were standing next to him, they kinda seem like aliens. He was the only normal looking one out of the two others.

"Who are you and what master do you serve?" The wizard guy said

"Uh I'm y/n y/l/n, and I serve..." I paused "wait do I have to give an answer now because I don't think I serve anyone, does myself count?"

"Y/n?" A familiar voice called.

Someone in a iron suit came out, it looked oddly similar to-

The mask was removed...Peter

"Peter!" I removed my own mask and ran to him embracing him into my arms.

When I held him in my arms I felt safe again, I didn't want to let him go.

He pulled me away and held me by my shoulders "where have you been?! I've been looking everywhere for you! Ned and I missed you!" He pulled me back into his arms.

"Alright that's enough" another familiar voice was heard

I pulled myself away from Peter and look to see Mr. Stark.

"Mr. Stark!" I ran over to hug him.

He didn't hug me back, but he eventually did.

I pulled away "why are you crying?" Tony pointed out.

I reached up to my face only to notice I was crying.

"Oh" I quickly wiped my tears away.

"Y/n," I turn back to Peter "happy late birthday" he gave me a sweet smile. "I have a present for you but it's back at my place"

"What?" I froze "what do you mean?"

He looked at me confused "your birthday was a few months ago right?" He said hoping he wasn't wrong

"Wait but, my birthday doesn't happen till-" that's when I realized.


"Yeah?" He asked innocently and confused

"How- how long was I gone for?" I stuttered

"About a year, why?"

I let out gasp "no" I mumbled

I was stuck in that hell hole for a year, I let out a sob trying to hide my face from Peter.

He got scared and grabbed my arms making me look at him "hey hey, what's wrong?"

"I was alone for a whole year Peter."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

A whole year 😨

Word count: 574

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