04 - Reunion

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"Whoa whoa," Peter couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"What do you mean alone?" I look up at peter, I didn't say anything. His face dropped as if he was able to read my face.

"Yeah what do you mean kid?" Tony asked concerned for where you have been for the last year.

"I- well you see I was walking back to the apartment and the same alleyway that I came from opened up another portal, so I went in" I explained, Peter and Tony's face grew worried as the others where confused from where the hell I came from.

"Wait you mean to tell me you went back for a whole year without telling anyone? Why didn't you come back? We thought you where dead." Tony was already asking questions.

"I tried! Trust me I did but, I couldn't, I'm not able to open the portals on command, I don't control it."

"So then who is opening the portals?" Tony asked

"I- I don't know..." I went silent, giving them a moment to process the crazy crap that came out of my mouth.

"But you were able to go back to your uncle right?" Peter cut through the silence, his face lifted he thought I was safe there.

"No...when I went through the portal nothing was there, every living thing went extinct. Everything was destroyed, I had to survive off scraps and some days I didn't eat at all. I was lucky enough to go to the avengers tower and there was supplies I needed there." I explained, his face dropped again and I gave him lip tight smile just trying to let him know I'm okay.

"Wait so you didn't open that portal?" The voice came from behind me.

I turn to notice it was the guy with the cape.

"Nope, do I need to explain the whole thing again?" I grew agitated.

"No no, it's just I didn't open it, no one here did. Who did?"

"I already told you I don't know! As far as I know it could be universe trying to screw with me." I yelled. I stopped, realizing I just yelled at a random stranger "sorry" I put my head down.

"Yeah yeah it's fine whatever, listen you need to suit up because your gonna help us fight someone who is trying to kill half of our population existence."


"Wait but I am suited up." I said quietly

"Wait is that a new suit?" Peter asked interested at the new suit I was wearing.

"Yeah. Ya like it? I made it myself." I said proud of myself.

Peter smiled "hell yeah i do! It looks so cool."

The cape man coughed getting mine and Peters attention. "Sorry" we said in sync

"Hey kid come over here for a second" Tony called me, I walked over leaving Peter alone


"Here put this on." Tony placed a small device in my hand

I looked up at him in confusion "how-?"

"Just place it on and it'll do the rest." He explained

"Okay we'll is there a restroom I can change in?" I looked around at the empty planet we were on.

"Just put it over your suit"

I let out an 'oh' and put it over my chest and I saw it spread over my suit covering every inch of it with this new suit

"Whoa" I said as the automatic mask covered my face

"You got one too!" Peter yelled from across, I turned around to him as the mask came off in command "I did!"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I'm just gonna end this chapter right here, thanks for reading this far. Hope you like it :)

word count: 636

Btw I had this suit in mind for the iron spider one it's a bit different from peters (not mine)

Btw I had this suit in mind for the iron spider one it's a bit different from peters (not mine)

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When two worlds collapse || p.p x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now