Friday Night

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Joey walked up to the house and took out his key. He looked at the mailbox and saw letters sticking out. Before he opened the door, he grabbed the mail out the box. Looking through quickly he sighed there was nothing there for him.

Joey had been looking for a letter of acceptance from Harvard University. He hadn't told Ben and Miranda that was his first choice for a college. He wanted it to be a surprise if he got in.

He never thought college was an option until he met Ben and Miranda. He never had any one in his life that supported and encouraged him like they did. He had terrible foster parents which caused him to be homeless on the street. Those people did not care about anything but the money, they received from the state.

However, his life was different now, all because of that chance meeting with Ben Warren who had a wife whose heart was so big that she opened her home to him. Not only was she the doctor who made sure he did not lose his arm, she showed him love that he never had it his life. She treated him like she birthed him, and he was absolutely grateful.

Joey was now feeling a little sad. He had been waiting for weeks. Was he not good enough to get into Harvard? He unlocked the door and went inside. He placed his school bag on the rack in the kitchen. He knew that Miranda loved order so he wasn't going to leave his school on the floor where she would certainly go crazy.

He went into the kitchen and got something to drink from the refrigerator. While drinking a bottle of cranberry juice he heard the front door open.

"Hey anybody home?"

Tuck yelled as he walked into the house.

"Yeah, in here"

Joey responded.

"What's up big bro"

Tuck threw his bag in the middle of the floor

"Uh nothings up, but if you do not want your mom to freak out, I suggest you pick that bag up and put it where it belongs."

Tuck sucked his teeth picking up the bag and put it on the rack next to Joey's

"Have you heard from Mom and Dad today?"

"Yeah, Ben text earlier and said he would be home around 6 when his shift was over, but I haven't talked to your mom today"

"I wonder what's for dinner?"

"I thought you were going to your dad's this weekend."

"Nah he went out of town with his wife and their child."

"Why did you say it like that?"

Joey said with a raised eyebrow.

"Because you and Pru are more of siblings to me than he is. Ever since he was born my dad treats me like I do not exist. But that's ok. Soon I turn 18 and I will not have to see him anymore."

"Do you think that is the best thing? Maybe you should work it out with your dad. Talk to him, tell him how you feel."

"I tried and he just said I was sounding like a brat."

"Did you tell your mom what happen?"

"No, if I do it's not going to go well for my dad. You know how my mom can gets when it comes to the relationship between him and me."

Joey laughed.

"Yeah, she is tough. don't want to get on her bad side especially when it comes to us kids"

"Can we just leave this between you and me?"

"Yeah man, you know I got your back."

"You want to play Tennis on the console?"

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