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"You did not come over to look at my lawn yesterday like you said you would."

"Well, I got busy making sure my sons were okay. That was my priority."

"Are they okay now? I mean you can come over now"

Yeah, they're good... but I do not think I will be able to look at your lawn. You probably need to get a professional to help you with that.

(Miranda woke up and heard talking and recognized the voice of Britany. She put her robe on and left the bedroom and listened)

"Oh, why cause your wife said you can't?"

Britany said this last statement with such distain and venom.

"Well, I respect my wife and if she doesn't like something or someone, I make sure I follow her lead, because she is usually right about these things and clearly her intuitions about you are correct."

"Well, my intuitions about you are correct also."

She smirked licking her lips.

"What the hell are you talking about."

"Do you know your bedroom window is right across from mine? You two should probably close the drapes sometimes. People can see in and know all your business. I know she has not been taking care of lately and she wouldn't had to do what she did this morning if she was already. Believe me I could have done that and better.  You need to be taken care of, all the time and I can provide that for you."

Britany went to grab Ben's tie on his robe, and he instantly moved her hand away.

Miranda had enough she walked to the door with blood in her eyes and pushed Ben to the side.

"You can't provide him with a damn thing..... Britany obliviously you have some kind of mental issue if you think I am going to let you come to this door and disrespect me, my husband and my marriage. Now my husband is too much of a gentleman to ever lay hands on a woman and although I am not one for fighting. I will not be slow to fuck you up if you every cross my property again. You need to find a man of your own and stop fantasizing about mine. You could never be what he already has. Now you have two seconds to leave."

Britany turned and left the porch and Miranda, and Ben watched as she walked away and was dumb founded by her aggressiveness.  What kind of crazy woman has moved on their street?

"I am going to need you to stop strutting around with no shirt on.  Clearly getting a glimpse of your body makes women go crazy"

"Baby that's not funny. I do not trust that one. We need to make sure that we put the alarms on when we are not here and keep an eye on the house through our phones apps."

Miranda looked at her husband strangely

"Ben really, She has you spooked like that?"

"Miranda, she has been watching us through the bedroom window."

"Ummm..... you want to give her something to look at?

she laughed


Ok....ok we will be careful....Let's go get showered and dressed and make our family breakfast.

They went to go get showered and dressed. It was now around 9:30 and Ben told Miranda to get Pru up and he would start breakfast. Miranda walked into Pru's room and she was laying there playing with her bunny.

"Good morning baby girl how did you sleep?"

"Good morning Randa"

Pru raised her arms for Miranda to pick her up, Miranda did and gave her good morning kisses and hugs,

Weekend at Miranda and Ben'sWhere stories live. Discover now